Linked Questions

-23 votes
2 answers

Someone voted to close my post for it being opinion based, but how is it opinion based? [duplicate]

Here is the question in question. After like 5 minutes of it being posted someone already voted to close my question for being opinion-based. How is this opinion based? I have questions with fixed ...
Anston Sorensen's user avatar
-15 votes
1 answer

What kinds of questions are allowed on this site? [duplicate]

I am pretty new to forums and Q&A sites. I also have a whitelisted browser with very few sites for learning about C# and Windows Forms. What kinds of questions are allowed on this site? Do they ...
Alpha Reuel's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

How can I indicate that a particular question has already been asked on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I found some similar questions on this platform and I want to point it out, how should I go about it?
ikmazameti's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Is "I'm voting to close this question because it doesn't show any attempt or work" a valid custom close reason? [duplicate]

It was pointed out to me that "I'm voting to close this question because it doesn't show any effort" isn't a valid custom close reason. This was discussed in the comment section of How to ...
jabaa's user avatar
  • 6,557
-4 votes
1 answer

What close vote is appropriate on a question that arose out of a mistaken understanding? [duplicate]

I'm talking in relation to my SO post here. I did not understand the library properly and assumed some things based on appearances. The one-line answer to that question is "What I say cannot be ...
kesarling's user avatar
  • 2,112
0 votes
0 answers

What type of closure should we vote for questions containing code images? [duplicate]

There are many questions that contain code images instead of code in textual code-block form. I want to vote to close it. However, I don't know which type of close I should vote for. Is this what I ...
My Car's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

What type of flags should I use? [duplicate]

There are three very identical flags: Needs details or clarity. This question should include more details and clarify the problem. Needs more focus. This question currently includes multiple ...
Shmiel's user avatar
  • 1,253
237 votes
108 answers

Stack Snippets Sandbox - Try It Out Here!

This post is dedicated to testing out the newly announced Stack Snippets feature. Feel free to answer with your own Stack Snippets, and have some fun!
607 votes
7 answers

Question with no answers, but issue solved in the comments (or extended in chat)

I often see posts in which no Answer has been offered as such, but the user's problem was solved using advice which appears in the comment section (or in extreme cases in the extended discussion in ...
Smandoli's user avatar
  • 6,960
170 votes
2 answers

Why should I not upload images of code/data/errors?

I am new to Stack Overflow, and I have asked about 5 questions so far. I have uploaded images of my code on most of my questions. On two separate occasions, two different users advised me not to ...
233 votes
13 answers

Should one answer terribly poor questions?

I've been reading Stack Overflow questions and answers for a long time now, probably 5 years now, always my first try on Google, and I have always loved the quality of both the questions and the ...
Denilson Amorim's user avatar
274 votes
7 answers

Flagging migration should include more options

I have encountered numerous questions in with the sprite-kit tag such as: ...
ZeMoon's user avatar
  • 20.3k
76 votes
10 answers

Overhauling our community's closure reasons and guidance

Overview As we know Stack Overflow has a closure process which users begin participating in at 15 reputation with flagging privileges and then later with full closure votes at 3000 reputation Recently,...
Henry Ecker's user avatar
  • 35.4k
179 votes
1 answer

How do I deal with non-English content?

What action should I take if I come across non-English content? Does the amount of non-English content make any difference? Return to FAQ index

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