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Unanswered Questions

249 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
23 votes
0 answers

Visually group code and snippet icons, and clarify which one to use

Could we please revamp the editing toolbar to make it easier to use the correct code formatting tool? In case you are not in the editor right now, here's what the toolbar currently looks like: ...
22 votes
0 answers

Our automated system checked for ways to improve your question and found none. Is this necessary?

Is this message necessary? It seems like a counter-intuitive extra step.
22 votes
0 answers

"Show code snippet" chevron is underlined

Links in posts on Meta are given a bottom border: .wmd-preview a, .post-text a, .comment-copy a { border-bottom: 1px dotted #444; } This results in the chevron next to "Show code snippet" also ...
21 votes
0 answers

Hidden Stack Snippets are not accessible and violate web standards

I noticed recently in a question about accessibility, that a snippet I included (marked as hidden by default; as it includes more details then strictly necessary for the question) is not very ...
21 votes
0 answers

Hot questions versus classic old questions

From reading basic guidance and related help center topic I can conclude that mostly quick_question->quick_answer is welcomed. Where "quick" is between several hours and several days. While digging ...
21 votes
0 answers

I think we're pointing new users at the wrong "How to Ask" page

Instead of showing them this page Can we show them our new and improved page instead?
20 votes
0 answers

When is it inappropriate to use a code snippet?

I've created answers that contain a runnable code snippet to provide a convenient method for readers to view a demo of my answer's solution. For instance: In my opinion, this answer: highlights ...
20 votes
1 answer

The new and "improved" tag page doesn't show the [ask question] button unless the tag is being watched

The Ask Question button is missing on tag pages when one is not watching that specific tag. For example, when I'm watching c# I can ask questions: But not when I'm not watching that tag: In case it ...
19 votes
0 answers

Please make the font and color settings in the snippet editor match the result in the question's code block

I only noticed today that there is mismatch between the display in the StackSnippet editor: and the resulting HTML in the code block in the question: First of all, the color coding is different, and ...
19 votes
0 answers

All styling (and other usual page scaffolding) missing on the page shown for question-blocked users

If you are blocked from asking questions, you go to this own sub-site on Stack Overflow main site (not meta). For some reason, this site is just white with text. Like all the HTML and CSS files are ...
19 votes
0 answers

Inform the users about the existence of stack snippet while requesting external demos in comments

I love stack snippets. It makes it a lot easier to play with the OP's problem and post an answer with a working demo. I've been seeing a LOT of users STILL requesting for an external demo along the ...
17 votes
0 answers

Add a means for tab stacking code snippets

The vast majority of questions on Stack Overflow come with a specific language tag and no post in the tag will contain any language other than that specified language. However, for some questions are ...
16 votes
0 answers

'Links to' restriction does not apply to the domain

After coming accross this question I have noticed that the logic for restricting questions that link to without placing any code in the question is missing this domain: https://fiddle....
16 votes
0 answers

Move tags field to top when creating/editing a question

Since we have a common problem with people putting tags in the title wouldn't it make sense to have the editor hint that isn't appropriate by the flow? I think we could move the tags at the top to ...
15 votes
0 answers

Where is the "Answer your own question" button?

I just found the solution to a problem that had me bugging out for weeks and had me scraping the entire Stack Overflow website. I thought it would be useful to share it with other people, so I went ...

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