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Unanswered Questions

249 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
15 votes
0 answers

Related questions are going off the screen

Consider this image: When you ask a question and put in all of the content(title, body, etc.), a whole bunch of Related Questions show up. If you scroll to the top(on a Mac, at least) and scroll ...
14 votes
0 answers

Put question guidelines in sidebar for certain users

This link shows up only when a question is being drafted, after the user clicks "Ask Question." New users may look to find questions rules before asking, and be unable to find any links. By ...
14 votes
0 answers

Can subjects other than Null Pointer Exceptions be given popups on the Ask page pointing to a canonical question?

When I ask something about NPE, there will be a popup that says please read "What is a Null Pointer Exception, and how do I fix it?" I wonder how can I make one of my questions behave like this. When ...
14 votes
0 answers

Snippets comments are incorrectly parsed inside code blocks producing strange output

I was editing the following question, as the code blocks needed indenting, and noticed there was an problem with the html comments. Post: setOnItemClickListener for listview Here is the code I had ...
14 votes
0 answers

Edits from different tabs being added as new answers

Very weird things happened today: I saw a question, which can be answered better with a demo. So I opened a new jsFiddle window (see at the bottom why). I added some CSS, made a demo in jsFiddle and ...
14 votes
0 answers

Add a "run" option next to "show" for hidden snippets

Title pretty much says it. My current choices are either to show the snippet and have a run button, or to hide it and not have a run button. Sometimes, you're just changing a single line of code but ...
14 votes
0 answers

Consider changing StackSnippets icon image

It just doesn't seem to match the rest of the icons in the editor: It almost looks like an icon that was created a decade ago. Could we use something more that signifies a script...Something more ...
14 votes
1 answer

How can I improve this downvoted question?

I'm working to make my questions better and with my latest I have made sure I conformed to the whole outline. I think my question is good, but for some reason I still received downvotes. I'm not sure ...
13 votes
0 answers

Add "contains"/"overlap" checks in the ask-wizard to prevent duplicate content

With the implementation of Can you prevent users from using same content in ask question wizard? last year it is not possible to add the same content in the two textareas on the Ask Wizard. You get ...
13 votes
0 answers

Why was this flagged 'Your question appears to be spam.' as a new user?

I attempted to post the following question using an account I created for work and it wouldn't let me, giving me the red message: Your question appears to be spam. Can I add a custom soap ...
13 votes
0 answers

Do we really need to validate "file" extensions for externals in the code snippet editor?

As we all know, "file"-suffixes are effectively meaningless w.r.t. HTTP URLs. The type of the resource is determined by the Content-Type header, not its path-suffix. So, I tried to add the following ...
13 votes
0 answers

Saving a Stack Snippet resets scroll to the top of the page

I've noticed while adding Stack Snippets or editing existing ones to answers, the scroll position is being reset to the top of the page when you click "Save and Insert into Post" to save your Stack ...
13 votes
0 answers

Need a better top hit/suggestion for Swift "unexpectedly found nil" questions in the "Questions that may already have your answer" list

The Swift error "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" is a common error that new iOS or Swift users encounter as they struggle to grasp the concept of Optional types ...
12 votes
0 answers

Staging Ground - Unable to paste images into editor

On Staging Ground, when editing/creating a question, using the editor, there seems to be a bug, with regard to pasting images. When clicking on the image button/icon in the toolbar, and the "...
12 votes
0 answers

"Answer your own question" is vertically misaligned on "Ask" page

On the "ask" page, the link-text against label "Answer your own question" is vertically misaligned: The fix would probably require the CSS class "va-middle" on the hyphen and the "share your own ...

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