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Unanswered Questions

318 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
1 vote
0 answers

Opinionated question for performance and readability improvements

I have recently asked this question: How to flatten a list of lists without using for loops, where I was looking for suggestions on how to improve the performance and readability of a snippet of ...
1 vote
0 answers

Feature Request: Show tags on proposed similar questions

When creating a new question, it would be helpful to show the tags of the proposed similar questions. The title may be similar but the context may not. Please give some in the list already by showing ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is there a formal way to ask for feedback on editing specific old questions?

I'm going through my old negatively voted questions to try to improve them, and I'd like to ask some experienced users for advice. My first approach was to add a comment to them asking for possible ...
14 votes
0 answers

Filter by Bounty queues up regular questions as well

In SO's Bountied question tab, the default values are selected or checked: Filter by —> Has bounty Sorted by —> Bounty ending soon Tagged with —> no values (however, python tagged in this example) ...
2 votes
1 answer

How should one deal with questions that can be answered by copy/pasting from a manual page?

Example: How download multiple files with cURL? The person is unsure how to store results from several different URLs in different files. The manual page describes how to do exactly that. In the past ...
28 votes
2 answers

What is the recommended way of dealing with old (then on-topic) question with a bounty?

I posted a question about MD5 hash collision back in 2014. As far as I know questions about algorithms are on-topic on Stack Overflow, and the cryptography tag did not have the warning "...
6 votes
0 answers

Looking for suggestions on how to improve my Entity Relationship question

I recently asked the following question: How can I display multi-valued attributes belonging to a multi-valued composite attribute in an ER diagram (relational database)? However, it was closed as ...
2 votes
0 answers

Questions on information sources

This is a follow up of one of the threads in the How does one distinguish typos from coding errors in questions? topic. Many people there said "One should first read the book on basics and only ...
5 votes
0 answers

Pressing <Enter> after editing the title hangs the post editor

When changing the question title and then pressing enter immediately after, the submit button is greyed out and the editor either hangs or responds with long delay. This does not happen when pressing ...
5 votes
0 answers

Number of answers per question depending on hour of week

I'm trying to find out how the average number of answers per question and the average number of accepted answers per question depend on the time (in GMT) and day of the week of when a question is ...
4 votes
0 answers

Tag dropdown shows no suggestions

When asking question and typing tags it sometimes "bugs", so I have to type the tag fully myself without option to autocomplete tag or to read tag description. Happens just now. Typing tag, ...
13 votes
0 answers

Long tag names cause user card to wrap to the next line and become incorrectly aligned

I have just noticed a bug in the questions page while scrolling the list of questions in the huawei-mobile-services tag: the user card is not correctly aligned to the right: It is aligned to left, ...
16 votes
0 answers

Making a long question shorter / easier to read

I've asked a question Debugging visualizer which targets DateTime doesn't transfer the value and added a bounty. I feel that by its nature, the question is already rather complex. As comments come in ...
23 votes
0 answers

What should be done with questions regarding unlocatable elements in Selenium?

A quick search in selenium brings up some questions like this: I am doing automation with selenium, I have tried this: [Some code of a Selenium automation, often with a complicated XPath query, and ...
6 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow questions page no longer loads new questions

I just noticed this a few hours ago: the questions is no longer loading new questions. My search query is [javascript] or [c++] and I have to refresh the page periodically to see new questions. There ...

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