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Unanswered Questions

318 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
1 vote
0 answers

Would asking about a clarification regarding the definition of a measure in datawarehousing be on-topic?

While trying to make sense of datawarehousing, I came across the following definition in Wikipedia: In a data warehouse, a measure is a property on which calculations (e.g., sum, count, average, ...
11 votes
0 answers

The new submit question style is stuck and won't let me do anything

I've written a question on stack exchange with the new ui and it's straight up stuck. It shows do a final review: But then doesn't let me progress, at all! How do I get out of this? what is wrong? ...
5 votes
0 answers

Users in the non-AI "write title during review" group of the title drafting experiment have an empty and non-interactive duplicate suggestions section

The duplicate suggestions section is inaccessible and invariably empty for users in the 'write title during review' test group of the title-drafting experiment. It is disabled and cannot be reached. ...
18 votes
0 answers

Discrepancy between question header and close banner on months ago calculation

Today I was doing some moderation on is there a difference between software architecture and web development architecture? and saw that the question header shows the question was asked 5 months ago, ...
13 votes
0 answers

Default list for question saving

When it comes to question saving on Stack Overflow, they are always "saved for later". Through the user profile's Saves tab, it is possible to create lists to organize these bookmarks. ...
3 votes
0 answers

My code is formatted but Stack Overflow complains that it is unformatted

I tried to post a question on SO. The preview of the post is: And my code segments are: I found everything correct, but SO refused to post the question as asked me indent the code by four spaces (...
16 votes
0 answers

Addressing questions caused by a common tutorial, but dealing with different aspects

In the last year or so, I've been seeing lots of questions that are related to many different aspects, but have a common factor: a certain YouTube tutorial[see below note]. Problem is, that tutorial ...
-8 votes
1 answer

Help fixing some of my questions in order to (hopefully) lift the question ban

I have asked 10 questions in total on Stack Overflow. Of those, 7 are negatively-scored, 2 have scores of 0, and 1 has a positive score. I am now hitting a question ban, and I see that what I should ...
28 votes
0 answers

For certain extremely common duplicates, it should be possible to put prominent warnings up front

I just closed yet another question about an extremely common error message as a duplicate of its canonical: Truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all(). ...
-7 votes
1 answer

The "Review your question" button is not activated

It happened on classic "Stack Overflow" which was about coding. I don't even know how to comment it. Here is an image: The "Next" buttons have been pressed too. How can I submit ...
25 votes
0 answers

Influx of users including the content of their post twice in their question

As the title says, I've noticed an influx of users recently where they've posted a question where the content of the post is duplicated. If this was a one-off I'd think it were a user error, but these ...
15 votes
0 answers

Where is the "Answer your own question" button?

I just found the solution to a problem that had me bugging out for weeks and had me scraping the entire Stack Overflow website. I thought it would be useful to share it with other people, so I went ...
13 votes
0 answers

Why was this flagged 'Your question appears to be spam.' as a new user?

I attempted to post the following question using an account I created for work and it wouldn't let me, giving me the red message: Your question appears to be spam. Can I add a custom soap ...
5 votes
0 answers

Show a warning when on Stack Snippets throwing errors

Tl;Dr: Make use of the Ask question warnings to reduce the misuse of Stack Snippets. Automatically run it in the background when the user click the "Review your questions button", if there ...
4 votes
0 answers

Why are the "Top Questions" list and "All Questions" list at disjoint locations in the nav scheme?

TLDR: Why doesn't the UX for the two different top level question filters look like this: FULL VERSION: Stack Overflow provides two separate high level filter options for question lists: "Top ...

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