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Unanswered Questions

318 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
11 votes
0 answers

Does SO have a mechanism to batch fix links?

The Qt Project has undergone some change from Nokia to Digia. It also introduced the open governance model, aka. Qt Project. Having said that, the infrastructure has also changed. Among other things ...
5 votes
0 answers

Is giving sometimes funny answer in good or bad tone?

I wonder if adding a little bit of humor to Stack Overflow answers will be good or bad. For the serious, let's say - mainstream - part of questions, probably not. But there are sometimes questions so ...
11 votes
0 answers

"Community wiki" checkbox state lost on failed post

I recently ran into this issue making a post. When answering your own question at the same time you post it, if you check the "community wiki" box but there is a problem with the post on submit (e.g. ...

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