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Unanswered Questions

318 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
2 votes
0 answers

Is this question off-topic or am I missing something?

I am referring to this question. IMHO, this should be off-topic, and I voted so. My point: Question body says, "I'm after the most efficient way to do this." --> Too broad There is no effort ...
17 votes
0 answers

Help and Improvement queue skipped questions appearing again

As everyone can see - Help and Improvement queue often contains questions which really can't be improved by someone other than the author. Well, we have "Skip" button, and it pretty much does its job ...
4 votes
0 answers

Question asking for list of development guidelines

There is a one year old question asking for development and design guidelines which has quite a number of up votes. The original question provided a list of guidelines which the OP had already ...
10 votes
0 answers

How to maintain popular but aging questions

I have a post with >160 votes at the time of writing, which has attracted several bounties but no answers yet. The post is almost a year old, but now there are newer versions of the library in ...
6 votes
0 answers

How do I correctly handle possibly harmful links to malware in a question?

Be advised, the link in the question below might be harmful (not these links, obviously). Question: ...
2 votes
0 answers

Only have my tags ON and OFF in the different feeds

I'm one of the newcomers here, and it's actually my first post on Meta. I don't fully grasp why my main feed of StackOverflow has some random questions (or at least what appears to be random) with ...
2 votes
0 answers

Unable to post a question

I tried to post a question. I formed the question and clicked on the Post your question button. It kept on loading for next couple of minutes, so I chose to discard and post a fresh one as the ...
3 votes
0 answers

How can I ask about file formats on Stack Overflow?

I am looking for a reasonable architecture of my software. One decision I have to take is what file format I use to describe a subpart of my system (connections and devices). The subpart should be ...
2 votes
0 answers

What would be the most help way to accept an answer in this instance?

I require some advice on the most helpful way to answer or accept an answer on my own question. For the question How do I obtain an iterative object reference to the root object in PHP? there is only ...
3 votes
0 answers

How can I get notified when a question in my domain is asked?

As I don't want to check the questions all the time is there anyway to get notified via email that a question in Java or Android has been asked?
1 vote
0 answers

A pointer to "how to post a test case with any Oracle SQL or PL/SQL question"

I see a lot of users posting a new question related to Oracle SQL or PL/SQL, do not post a working test case. A good question related to Oracle SQL or PL/SQL should include a working test case. For ...
15 votes
0 answers

What are the best practices for a good C library linking question

To start off: I'm not a programmer. I'm a civil engineer who picked up matlab in school and then scientific python in my career as a means to set myself apart from most other meat-space engineers. ...
2 votes
0 answers

Does the Tour Example Question belong on SO?

I've noticed when I looked at the Tour for StackOverflow the current question didn't really seems like it belonged to Stack Overflow. While I agree that the question is indeed on-topic because it ...
3 votes
0 answers

Should we tag a DBMS when asking design or normalization questions?

Every time I ask a question related to database design or normalization, such as this one from today, I debate whether or not to tag the DBMS I am using. The reason I debate it is because the ...
6 votes
0 answers

New question for specific category or answer to main question with category tag

I am a Fish shell user, but I usually search for "How to do ... in bash?" when I need to know how to do something as Fish hits are few and far between. Answers do help, but I usually find I need to ...

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