Every time I ask a question related to database design or normalization, such as this one from today, I debate whether or not to tag the DBMS I am using.
The reason I debate it is because the question may not have anything to do with the DBMS that I am using. I don't want to add irrelevant tags to my questions.
On the flip side, the mysql tag has just over 292,000 questions where as database has just shy of 86,000. They both have 26.3k and 4.3k followers, respectively. I believe tagging mysql is likely to draw more attention to a question I need answered.
Is it selfish to tag in a way that draws attention, when it can be considered irrelevant? Of course, I mean in situations where it is not blatantly irrelevant, as if I had tagged 'Java' on that question.
for aJava
coding question, the DBMS you use may possibly impact your implementation, right? More a programmer than a DB person, but this is my impression, anyways.