Note that this is not the same as this question: Tag combinations that suggest re-tagging automatically, which proposes retagging suggestions for replacing multiple tags with one, such as replacing bootstraptypeahead with bootstrap-typeahead.
It is also not the same as this question: Bootstrap tags revisited - I'm just using the bootstrap example because it's a really good one.
The problem:
People misuse tags. A lot.
Have you ever seen one of those warnings?:
Do not use this tag for other types of DBMS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.).
DO NOT use this tag unless you are addressing Apple's iPhone and/or iPod touch specifically.
Not to be confused with Twitter's Bootstrap CSS framework; please use the twitter-bootstrap tag.
Use "twitter-bootstrap" and NOT "bootstrap" to ask a question about this framework.
For questions about Twitter's Bootstrap CSS framework, please see the twitter-bootstrap tag. For "bootstrapping" in statistics, please see the statistics-bootstrap tag.
Do NOT use this tag for Spring Boot. Use spring-boot instead.
And have you seen the amount of people who don't even see them?
Just head over to the bootstrap tag, wait an hour or so and count how many new questions about twitter-bootstrap pop up over there.
Or search for questions tagged "r" and "bootstrap" (I'm currently retagging most of bootstrap, so that list is subject to shrinking)
An observation:
Interestingly almost all mis-tags are accompanied by a certain set of other tags. For example, there could be a question about bootstrapping (as in "running tasks on program startup") in R, however I haven't found a single question about it so far.
Or with the massive abuse of bootstrap in place of twitter-bootstrap, about 80% are accompanied by either html, html5, css, javascript, jquery, angularjs, php, wordpress, even twitter-bootstrap or twitter-bootstrap-3, or one of the countless bootstrap-xyz tags.
My feature request:
How about displaying a warning when using certain combinations of tags which are known to have a high misuse rate?
A ban would be too much, since there can be valid questions with almost any tag combination, but I think a little warning popup (like the one when creating a new tag) would fit pretty well.
It should also be configurable, of course.
I have something in mind like an HTML comment in the tag's description.
For example, placing this in the description of bootstrap:
<!-- bad-combination: html html5 css javascript jquery angularjs php wordpress twitter-bootstrap twitter-bootstrap-3 -->
would from then on present every user with a confirmation box who tries to post a question tagged bootstrap and one of the mentioned tags.
As always, that wouldn't prevent all misuse, but most, I think.