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-29 votes
2 answers

Stop closing duplicate pages; instead withhold rep on signposts

The Pain Points: For askers who treat SO as a help desk, a dupe closure is a point of frustration because they want to receive answers specifically tailored to their question. For answerers who ...
mickmackusa's user avatar
  • 47.7k
-29 votes
1 answer

What is gained from closing out questions if they aren't asked perfectly?

I just spent significant time writing a detailed response to a perfectly valid newbie question. The question wasn't asked perfectly, but it was absolutely clear what the newbie was asking and what is ...
Joseph Larson's user avatar
-31 votes
2 answers

Downvote hell and meta issues [closed]

MSVC Align variable data on executable file output (< 10K screenshot) According to the townspeople, this is "unclear what is being asked". I believe the truth actually is "I dont know the answer ...
gia's user avatar
  • 757
-31 votes
1 answer

Unreasonable question closures are my biggest annoyance with Stack Overflow [duplicate]

I was a long time contributor but rarely bother any more. One of the reasons is that when people read a question and ...don't understand it after first read through ...don't believe the OP has made ...
aioobe's user avatar
  • 421k
-34 votes
2 answers

Closing a question for lack of clarity or focus or objectivity should require elaboration from the closer

I see a lot of questions about, "Why was this issue closed for lack of clarity/focus/opinion-based?" I'd like to propose something that could preemptively answer these questions before they'...
Daniel Kaplan's user avatar
-34 votes
1 answer

Reevaluating Software Recommendation Questions [duplicate]

The Software Recommendations Stack Exchange site is now up for a while and proves that questions for which software will fit which purpose questions can be great content. I think we should take that ...
Angelo Fuchs's user avatar
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-36 votes
2 answers

Should we require entering a reason on any close vote? [closed]

Currently, the reasons to close questions are very, very broad. What if it was required to enter a 80 character minimum proposal text on what the asker could do to improve the question and make it ...
user avatar
-38 votes
2 answers

Moderators have too much power?

I stumble upon more and more useful but closed questions with many upvotes, where the answers have even more upvotes. The questions were usually closed for "not constructive" and "opinion based" ...
SzG's user avatar
  • 12.6k
-41 votes
2 answers

improve website's way of working and language [closed]

just saw a question being "closed" by three individuals. The first individual is sufficient to make the point. Use "Solved" and "Already solved" instead of "closed" or "associated with an already ...
Rahul Choudhary's user avatar
-44 votes
2 answers

Why don't Stack Overflow users use their brains to bag the hard-to-find information and vote down/close questions for wrong or missing details? [closed]

I see a common problem at Stack Overflow that users normally downvote the question or vote to close it without helping the OP to make it more appropriate or answerable. I have seen many questions ...
Sandeep Kumar's user avatar
-53 votes
2 answers

Stack Overflow questions of type 'can you recommend' are closed too often [duplicate]

By pursuing the policy of closing questions with... Questions asking us to recommend or find a book, tool, software library, tutorial or other off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow ...
Vanquished Wombat's user avatar
-53 votes
1 answer

Increase the number of votes required to close a question to 6

Currently, it takes 5 close votes to reach the closing threshold. Each person with >=3000 reputation can cast 50 close votes per day. Problems: It's not difficult to reach 3000 reputation. One way ...
Cyker's user avatar
  • 10.8k
-62 votes
4 answers

Do fast close habits comply with the Code of Conduct?

In the code of conduct I read: If you're here to help others, be patient, and welcoming As I understand it, it does not just apply to what we write but also to what we do: namely voting to close ...
kriss's user avatar
  • 24.1k
-63 votes
31 answers

Upcoming Feature: New Question Close Experience

CLARIFYING UPDATE Thanks everyone for the thoughtful feedback. I’ve read through much of it and there are a few things that stand out to me. First, I want to clarify since this didn't quite come ...
Des's user avatar
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-64 votes
1 answer

There seems to be a flock of people whose mission is to close questions

I understand that we need to keep things clean and not have a bunch of repeat questions but people seem like all they want to do is close a question when there really are good opportunities for ...
kpie's user avatar
  • 11.1k
-74 votes
3 answers

Please, is anything going to be done about the pedantic question closers?

When Stack Overflow first came about SEO was worse, and disk space was more expensive. The result was a large set of rules about the nature of SO questions as not to pollute the search space with ...
samthebest's user avatar
  • 31.5k

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