Let's take a look at some questions that are open right now. Feel free to provide the information needed to fix these:
I write an ios bluetooth file transfer program by writting data to the device constantly. However, the speed of the transfer is about 1.5kb/s. It is so slow and who can tell why?
How does anyone other than the OP fix this? I have no idea what's wrong with this user's program. They have provided no code, no method of replication, nothing other than "it is so slow". Please tell him why it's slow...
Someone was nice enough and commented that more information was needed. Since that's there, am I allowed to down vote and vote to close now?
I want to create timelaps video with selfie images. and the main problem is all selfie images should be same position.Please help how to create image with custom position and custom angle?
Great. Someone is motivated to build an application. Will you provide them with all the code they need to their specifications?
I need an asm program for ATmega128 that counts the "one"-s on the B port and on the C port the proper bit will be one depending on the B. For example: If I have three 1-s on the B port, on the C port the 3rd bit will be one. If there isn't any "one"-s on the B port, all the bits in the C port remain zero.
I need a pony. But, that's not relevant here. The problem with this question is that there isn't a question. It's a list of demands. Or, it's a very impolite request for someone to write an entire program for them.
The problem with these, and countless others, is that they are either questions that don't contain nearly enough information for others to answer or they are simply demands for others to do the work.
In the first case, it is not uncommon to see comments requesting more information. But, it's also common for such a question to be closed and within those close reasons users are given feedback. For example, if there is no code provided (like the first example) a valid close reason:
Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must include the desired behavior, a specific problem or error and the shortest code necessary to reproduce it in the question itself. Questions without a clear problem statement are not useful to other readers. See: How to create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example.
That's pretty clear that the OP needs to make some changes. Once they edit it to contain all the information, the question can be reopened.
A request (or demand) for code or an entire program sounds like a job. Stack Overflow is filled with users that volunteer their time to help others. We aren't here to do your job (or homework). We are here to help you get answers. More importantly, we are here to help the person behind you that has the same question, but has it a year from now. A simple demand for code isn't going to accomplish either of those goals.
[I]f you want to contribute here then mention the solution not the problem.
Sometimes the solution is to inform the user that they aren't using the site correctly. Encouraging them to provide all the information so that their question can be answered is a start. Encouraging them to ask a question and not issue a demand is another good start.
Downvotes/close votes/flags are all signals to the asker that something is wrong with their post.