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Questions tagged [daily-reputation-limit]

There is a cap to the maximum reputation that one can earn in a day of 200 reputation.

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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33 votes
1 answer

Got a +1 notice when undownvoting post despite not having earned reputation

Steps to reproduce (all on the same day): Downvote an answer. Be nice to everyone, get upvotes, and hit the rep cap. Remove the downvote on that answer The vote is removed from my reputation history,...
Bergi's user avatar
  • 662k
10 votes
0 answers

Why are the upvotes of deleted user is subtracted from reputation in a single day?

I was just going through Jon Skeet's profile and I noticed a bug (to me, a solid one) in the StackOverflow reputation system. Then, going through Gordon Linoff's reputations, I realized something even ...
smttsp's user avatar
  • 4,171
8 votes
0 answers

Why were many of my answers upvoted in a short time?

I don't want to complain, but today 22 of my answers received an upvote in a short amount of time (less than an hour), gaining me 200 reputation and a bronze badge for hitting the daily reputation ...
mkrieger1's user avatar
  • 22.7k
6 votes
0 answers

Why did I get +2 reputation after hitting the rep cap?

I noticed just now that I got +2 from an upvote on an answer of mine. I'm curious as to why I got reputation points in the first place - I already hit the reputation points cap at 200. Here's an image ...
Andrew Li's user avatar
  • 57.8k
6 votes
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Max rep in a day

I get the badge Mortarboard badge today ¡yipie! :), but actually I have +197 rep because a couple of downvotes, one sent here (flagged and expecting answer to be deleted) and another received here (...
Jordi Castilla's user avatar
3 votes
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Daily reputation limit kicked in at 204 points?

I just hit the daily reputation limit, yet for some reason it kicked in at an odd value. I believe the limit is 200 points earned from upvotes, however I have also been given an additional 4 points ...
Rory McCrossan's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How is reputation count history evaluated?

Due to this question I went through rmaddy's reputation history and I've found something strange: As far as I know, accepted answers don't count for the daily reputation limit. As we have three ...
xenteros's user avatar
  • 15.8k
2 votes
0 answers

"Today" Score off by 2 due to rep cap and un-downvote afterwards

I have gotten a curious situation where I have earned more reputation than for "max.20 upvotes + 4 accepts": The entire sum of the reputation checks out, it actually sums up to 262.
luk2302's user avatar
  • 57k