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2 votes
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"Today" Score off by 2 due to rep cap and un-downvote afterwards

I have gotten a curious situation where I have earned more reputation than for "max.20 upvotes + 4 accepts": The entire sum of the reputation checks out, it actually sums up to 262.
luk2302's user avatar
  • 57k
44 votes
2 answers

Why do I have -1 rep on a downvote after hitting the rep cap?

I apparently hit the rep cap today since the last up vote only gave me +1 rep. Still, after making a down vote my rep is reduced by 1. I was expecting it to show no reputation change. Am I missing ...
Eugene Yarmash's user avatar
33 votes
1 answer

Got a +1 notice when undownvoting post despite not having earned reputation

Steps to reproduce (all on the same day): Downvote an answer. Be nice to everyone, get upvotes, and hit the rep cap. Remove the downvote on that answer The vote is removed from my reputation history,...
Bergi's user avatar
  • 662k