Linked Questions

133 votes
9 answers

Should we burninate the [kali-linux] tag?

The phase 2 of the burnination process described here is completed and it has been decided that the tag should NOT be removed from the system. It was decided to clean the tag, and the tag is in the ...
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158 votes
10 answers

Can we be more welcoming by managing expectations?

I've just cleared the First Posts review queue. Only one of the questions I could assess did not merit a vote-to-close or a VLQ flag. How "welcome" do you suppose those newcomers feel? We already ...
Raedwald's user avatar
  • 48.5k
97 votes
8 answers

Divisions, disappointment and pillory: how can we make meta a more enjoyable, productive space for everyone?

Bear with me. This is an attempt to sweep together a lot of the angst on the site in an attempt to deal with it. This isn't a question. It's literally a discussion. I'm sharing my ideas and you can ...
user avatar
102 votes
5 answers

Am I asking the wrong way? Is there something wrong with my posts?

Recently I have been asking more questions on Stack Overflow. In fact, way more than before, when I was way more inexperienced. However, the feedback is underwhelming. I am not getting a lot of ...
Thorben Kuck's user avatar
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101 votes
4 answers

Why is it important for corporate SO to maintain a fast new user growth rate?

Following the plethora of posts on the "be extra nice" initiative, I started wondering. If the goal is Create a repository of high quality Q&A to cover programming issues It seems like the ...
kabanus's user avatar
  • 25.8k
65 votes
5 answers

Stress Problems With Stack Overflow

I know this might sound crazy, but users like me can get stressed when asking, answering, or even commenting questions. I always ask myself: "Will I lose reputation, will it get down-voted or deleted?"...
Devealte's user avatar
  • 219
34 votes
5 answers

Should Stack Overflow users enforce a mandate or let the site evolve?

Meta is already full of debate about purpose, conduct and particulars of this or that. In fact, I suppose many will initially interpret my question as a duplicate. But my question is meant to be ...
C Perkins's user avatar
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159 votes
4 answers

Why is the "xxx is a new contributor" warning reminded in the answer box?

I understand that some new users may find some curt or "please post your code" comments daunting, snarky, whatever, and all things considered, this isn't a bad thing to remind users that the person is ...
Jean-François Fabre's user avatar
77 votes
1 answer

Why is user1114 no longer a moderator?

As of yesterday, user1114 was a moderator on Stack Overflow. Today they are not. What happened? (I am aware that nobody is obliged to answer this question, but this doesn't make it different from any ...
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-48 votes
1 answer

A fact-based refutation of an assertion from that "Stack Overflow Isn't Very Welcoming" blog post

I'm sure everyone here knows of that infamous post. I'm also sure that everyone knows that, when asked to provide hard evidence for this claim: Too many people experience Stack Overflow¹ as a hostile ...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
  • 29.8k
52 votes
1 answer

Is the official direction of Stack Overflow now to help educate the next generation of developers?

In glancing at the latest blog post, a line jutted out at me as part of the new CEO search: One thing I’m very concerned about, as we try to educate the next generation of developers, and, ...
Makoto's user avatar
  • 106k
38 votes
1 answer

What exactly about the comments in "Is this really what we should consider “unwelcoming”?" is off-topic?

Is this really what we should consider "unwelcoming"? has been locked due to the high amount of off-topic comments generated Could the mods please explain what exactly about the comments ...
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-22 votes
3 answers

On moderation, moderators, quality, value, and alienation

A few days ago I came across a question from Dec 2017, asking: I am getting this error "Unknown host '' You may need to adjust the proxy settings in Gradle" in android studio 3....
desertnaut's user avatar
  • 60.2k
9 votes
2 answers

What is the ground of earning reputation with overall negative scored vote questions/answers?

With the reputation earning system, a question with score +2/-4 or a response +1/-4 will give +2 reputation. Why is the reputation system unbalanced on questions/answers? What is the motivation ...
sandwood's user avatar
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84 votes
1 answer

Increase close and reopen vote weight for tag badge holders

(This is one of the suggestions that were listed in What does our long term community need? What does our long term community need to feel valued?.) Subj (I believe it's clear without further ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
  • 35.8k

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