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Unanswered Questions

263 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
19 votes
0 answers

Chat FAQ links differ from the content of the main FAQ page

Related to this question about why they look different, but not the same issue. That question was dealing with the poor UX and the fact that if you load the page with a fragment it works incorrectly. ...
19 votes
0 answers

Inform the users about the existence of stack snippet while requesting external demos in comments

I love stack snippets. It makes it a lot easier to play with the OP's problem and post an answer with a working demo. I've been seeing a LOT of users STILL requesting for an external demo along the ...
18 votes
0 answers

Discrepancy between question header and close banner on months ago calculation

Today I was doing some moderation on is there a difference between software architecture and web development architecture? and saw that the question header shows the question was asked 5 months ago, ...
18 votes
0 answers

Drag and drop feature for re-arranging favorite tags

I was adding some favorite tags, I noticed that while adding lengthy tags, the favorite tags section started getting significantly taller, which wouldn't happen if I utilize the empty space in it by ...
17 votes
0 answers

Triage audit failure message says that spam or nonsense should be 'flagged for closure'

I 'failed' a Triage audit and saw this message: (Screenshot) (Emphasis mine) STOP! Look and listen. This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't pass. This question is ...
17 votes
0 answers

Message inbox doesn't remember "All" or "Unread" selection

At the top of the new inbox, there's a dropdown where you can select if you want to see "All" or only your "Unread" notifications. When you pick "Unread" and then reload ...
17 votes
0 answers

"show removed posts" checkbox on tab=reputation should be moved to just above the list

Like (it appears, many) I was recently confused by multiple inexplicable drops of 2 reputation. I came here looking for answers, and found this excellent answer originally by Cody Gray, which ...
17 votes
0 answers

Add a means for tab stacking code snippets

The vast majority of questions on Stack Overflow come with a specific language tag and no post in the tag will contain any language other than that specified language. However, for some questions are ...
17 votes
0 answers

Comments on question can break the page layout

Exhibit :
16 votes
0 answers

"Red dot" the review button when there's a reopen vote on a question you closed, and put it at start of queue

I easily lose track of questions I voted to close. Today I came back across a question I voted to close, and it has been fixed, but I can't answer it now until enough other people come along to vote ...
16 votes
0 answers

User page questions list layout bug

"Have you considered accepting an answer or starting a bounty for this question?" displaces way too much horizontal space on the left side.
16 votes
0 answers

Highlight Original Poster on question list

When perusing the list of questions, often questions that may be of dubious quality (negative score, on hold etc) are shown as having been modified. It would be useful to know if they have been ...
16 votes
1 answer

Missing blue search-icon at the right side of the search-box?

I may be missing something, but I'm pretty sure the search line on the main page has this blue icon at the right side (of a magnify glass) - currently it is empty: It may be minor, but I could hit it ...
15 votes
0 answers

Message inbox full of read messages is very dark and out of place

Apparently, we got a new inbox recently. Now, "read" notifications are literally grayed-out, making the entire box gray. This feels completely out of place, it's the darkest element on the ...
15 votes
0 answers

Review overview User Interface drawing too much attention to what I can't do

A recent UI (User Interface) change is taking a lot of real estate in the Review overview for users with less than 2000 or 3000 reputation points. The big blue boxes, as seen here: I don't need the ...

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