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Unanswered Questions

621 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
61 votes
0 answers

Replace code snippets by normal code block if JavaScript tag is absent

Some users (probably mostly new users) tend to use the "code snippet" tool for code in languages that aren't supported by Stack Snippets. Would it not make sense to disable the code snippets ...
60 votes
0 answers

Titles that are exceedingly long extend too far into the right and may crowd the poor "Ask Question" button

See the image. A question with long title made the "Ask Question" appear to be the part of that question!! The "Ask Question" button intrudes inside Question title unintentionally. Please provide it a ...
60 votes
0 answers

The 10k tools could do with some love

Related posts: Filter 10k tools by a tag Give some features to the “Late Answers” page Looking at the 10k tools used for reviewing, users are presented with this monstrosity: Could this page and ...
58 votes
0 answers

Profile page is very empty, revert to old version?

This is what my profile page looks like: Before today Today There is a lot of blank space on the right side where the links/stats used to be. Can we put it back there?
58 votes
0 answers

Increase the contrast for the "pressed" election buttons

I have reasonably good sight, but I'm still having problems recognizing which button is pressed in the election. I know there's a list on the right side, but it's not anchored and disappears when you ...
57 votes
0 answers

Stack Exchange logo not visible in chat

The one-box image of is transparent and not visible boldly unlike the one-box image. It looks clear only when you look close. Perhaps it needs the ...
53 votes
0 answers

Escaped HTML in comment error popup

I tried to use to shorten a long link, and was blocked by the system. The popup error contained some non-rendered HTML. It looks like this should have been rendered as a new line and bold, but ...
52 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow Sidebar is a leftist

I just noticed that the sidebar on both Stack Overflow and Meta Stack Overflow has no background, which under normal circumstances may not be a problem, but to guys with a large monitor and poor ...
52 votes
0 answers

Hero header on "About Us" page overlaps navigation bar menus

When visiting the About Us page for SO, I noticed the menus display behind the big blue "Learn, Share, Build" banner. See below. The same thing happens with each menu item. Browser: Google Chrome ...
50 votes
0 answers

Dark theme got high contrast colors

I noticed today that the color scheme was changed on Stack Overflow website, at least for Dark theme. The new color scheme is much more high contrast (relatively) than it was before. I even went to my ...
49 votes
0 answers

Abusing the Code Snippet for wrong languages

I see this at least once a day, someone puts their Java or even C code in the Code Snippet thing that's meant exclusively for HTML / CSS / JS. What it means - someone has to manually remove the magic ...
48 votes
0 answers

"Hot Meta Posts" with a 4-digit score wrap onto a second line

I think this is a bug. In my list of "Hot Meta Posts" there was a random 8 all snuggled up to the previous post, but the 8 post had no name, and I couldn't click on it. I assume this is a bug: It's ...
48 votes
0 answers

Helpful flags should be shown in the same layout as votes cast

It would be nice if "helpful flags" will be shown in the same layout as "votes cast" and "post edited". Actually if I look at the votes cast I can see the header and navigate to other pages. If I ...
46 votes
0 answers

How did Stack Overflow decide its navbar height?

As I write this, Stack Overflow and SO Meta seem to have a navbar height of 60px, Stack Exchange Meta seems to have a navbar height of 40px, and other Stack Exchange sites (Law, Electrical Engineering)...
46 votes
0 answers

Don't push my tab's history too far

Whenever I click on Stack-Snippets®'s in any post, a new entry is made in my tab's history (the one for the back and forward buttons, accessible through window.history in js). I like to keep my tab's ...

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