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Give some features to the “Late Answers” page
Looking at the 10k tools used for reviewing, users are presented with this monstrosity:
Could this page and its implementation not be changed to act like the standard review queues, with tag filters and navigation to aid quicker reviewing?
When using the tools for close and reopen votes, I tend to open the links in a new tab and then go through them and close the tabs when I'm done. Not sure if there is an easier way?
Surely it would help the reviewers and the queue sizes if these tools were made easier to use. I understand that each of the tools have different review options presented, but the close votes at least could behave like the standard queues, seeing as it's the largest of the queues.
I know it's low hanging fruit and only useful to a small percentage of users, but these are the users that would arguably use the tools more if they were easier to use.
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