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Unanswered Questions

2,910 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
218 votes
0 answers

Stop the [manipulation]!

manipulation currently has over 700 0 questions. Its excerpt: Manipulation is the act of algorithmically manipulating any pieces of data ambiguous and not helpful, in my opinion. ...
175 votes
1 answer

Reduce size of images used in SO blog

While looking at the new article New Kids on the Block, I've noticed the author avatar was taking some time to load. Looking at the image, it is indeed quite heavy: 2,6MB for a 3339x3339 pixels image ...
130 votes
0 answers

Include "Don't post images of code" in the guide

I was trying the wizard mode of asking a question, and when I came to the "Show some code"-section it said "Don’t paste an entire file", and "Don't paste just one line". My suggestion is to also add "...
128 votes
0 answers

If you do something on keyup, make sure you got the associated keydown first

Sometimes on a Windows machine, your focus and attention get stolen by a program presenting a dialog, or you hit the Windows key on your keyboard by accident, causing the Start menu to overlap what ...
110 votes
0 answers

Increase suggested edit approval votes to three if there is a disapproval vote

I've noticed in the course of my reviews, that a lot of trivial edits are making it through the approve queue because of the new "only 2 votes required" rule that was put into place. I'd like to ...
109 votes
0 answers

Synonym wrecks badge progress

My profile page on Stack Overflow suggests I am close to being awarded a bronze badge in the tag make. However, there is no way I can achieve this goal, because the tag is (now) a synonym for ...
91 votes
0 answers

The banner ad announcing the Developer Survey results

Regarding the huge banner ad for the developer survey results: The ad's Dismiss button is hard to discover. (The "Dismiss" is off the right side of the screen at reasonable window sizes, it's ...
91 votes
0 answers

Ridiculously popular questions break sidebar on SO

In the related sidebar list, this question is so popular the vote counter is too wide: Can we run these vote counts through the magnitude machine?
83 votes
0 answers

Should There be Greater Accessibility in Stack Overflow's Site for Keyboard Users?

Here is a small list of accessibility concerns on our beloved site. These are important to address for more reasons than I can list here, but besides improving the site for all users and allowing them ...
83 votes
0 answers

The Hot Meta Posts vote counter is too narrow

Following the redesign of the Hot Meta Posts pane, the padding around the vote count is (still) too small, resulting in the vote count closing in on the question title when the vote count exceeds 100: ...
80 votes
0 answers

Burninate the [tape] tag?

I'm not sure we should have a tape tag: It has only 5 followers ✔ There is no tag wiki ✔ Highest voted question score is 3 ✔ There are only 32 tagged questions at the moment ✔ There is only 1 ...
79 votes
0 answers

Misleading advice in "contact us" page for users with review privileges (500+ rep)

Note: the below is relevant for users with 500+ reputation, who have review icon instead of help center icon in the top bar. In the Help Center contact form (which is now made less reachable with the ...
78 votes
0 answers

Stack Overflow doesn't need [enhancement]

I was somewhat disappointed that this wasn't about herbal supplements. But then that would be about something, and this is about nothing. enhancement 66 questions, no excerpt, and no clue what is ...
76 votes
0 answers

Ugly formatting with accept/bounty warning next to question

When a question has been ignored by the user long enough, this warning shows up: IMO, this is pretty bad formatting. The questions should be aligned horizontally, and I believe that the warning ...
75 votes
0 answers

Hot Meta Questions link color is too bright & doesn't meet accessibility standards

Links in the Featured on Meta/Hot Meta Posts sidebar are #0095ff, while other links on the page are #07c. Does anyone else think this looks weird? The sidebar links are the same color as the Ask ...

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