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3 answers

How to handle questions that should be closed as "need more focus" if you find dupes that answers one of the questions

Suppose that you find a question that contains multiple questions. For instance: Hi I have a few questions for my homework How big is the stack size by default on Windows, Mac and Linux? What is the ...
klutt's user avatar
  • 31.2k
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1 answer

Why is my question too broad, and how can I improve it?

I asked this question on how to find methods with modified code between two versions of a Java class. The initial version came with too much background code (or at least that's what the one comment, ...
Loren's user avatar
  • 12.4k
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Why is this question about a clever Ruby on Rails syntax too broad?

This question is on hold for being too broad: How does method chaining work in Ruby?. Frankly, I think this is one of the better questions I've seen lately. The question is concise and addresses a ...
user avatar
5 votes
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Self Answer Questions being too broad [duplicate]

I'm planning to do another self-answer Q&A style question, but I just had a thought that if I came across this question asked in the wild without an answer, I would flag to close as too broad. ...
JamesENL's user avatar
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Question too broad - feedback issue

After seeing the following links: Data modal design for structured interviewing SO Data modal design for structured interviewing CodeReview Data modal design for structured interviewing DBA I ...
crizzis's user avatar
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A question asking for a list of use-cases for a language feature... too broad? [duplicate]

This C++ question begins by listing a couple use-cases for the new C++17 language feature named structured bindings, before asking: Can you provide some other, possibly less obvious use cases for ...
Barry's user avatar
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What makes this question about CSS selectors not focused enough?

I've slightly modified this question ((How can I disable a whole CSS stylesheet on a specific list of domains?)) but I don't think it makes a difference. What makes that question unfocused, and is it ...
Enlico's user avatar
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Posting an intentionally too broad/unclear catch-all question [duplicate]

Imagine that someone is putting great effort into writing a "catch-all" question with answers for a certain topic. The answers mostly already exist in one form or another, but this question is meant ...
László Papp's user avatar
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How should we handle "weasel words", or unintentionally broad questions that aren't?

Related to Is asking for solutions to a problem that has more than one possible solution too broad for SO? and Please stop having opinions about things, but meant as a more general question. I think ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
  • 151k
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Are questions asking for data conversions without providing any implementation off-topic? [duplicate]

Some questions have the following shape : I have data : [datum, datum, datum] I need it in other format : [other datum, other datum, other datum] How do I do that? No code to actually make ...
Kyll's user avatar
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Why is my question too broad?

I asked this question: Running two different sessions of RStudio on the same Windows pc It has been put on hold because too broad. I don't understand why. It seems to me the question is quite simple:...
DeltaIV's user avatar
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Over-broad or not?

Am I being over-zealous or isn't this question too broad for this site? What test should I use to determine the boundary for this type of problem? Isn't a statement such as, "If so, could you ...
Hovercraft Full Of Eels's user avatar
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Should this specific upvoted answered question be closed as too broad?

This question : How does one deploy a production MeteorJS app to Windows Azure? Seems extremely broad to me. However it has received some upvotes and two upvoted answers which go into great ...
Kyll's user avatar
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How can I better focus my question? [duplicate]

My question Aggregate count of method calls within program run has been closed as requiring more focus: Update the question so it focuses on one problem only. The question might be a touch unclear, ...
Zev Spitz's user avatar
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When is too broad not too broad?

A while back I flagged this question: Any way to add multiple images on Materialbox Materialize CSS? As too broad. As it turns out it may have been a victim of the error I pointed out here: Flagged ...
Jay Blanchard's user avatar
3 votes
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How to handle "too broad", but interesting questions? [duplicate]

I found this question today. In the current state, the question is too broad, at least in my opinion (there is no easy way to detect if something is acting malicious or not). However I think that this ...
Iulian Popescu's user avatar
3 votes
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Should two-part questions be closed?

A two-part question is two questions in one sentence. For example: "How to do this, and that?" From the docs: Needs more focus - If your question has many valid answers (but no way to ...
Blue Robin's user avatar
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I know it's not too broad or is it?

Look at this SO question. The user wants specific output on given input, but the question has been put on hold as too broad. It's very straight forward (OK not very straight forward but I understand ...
global_warming's user avatar
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Help improving the focus of a question

Recently, a question I asked was closed for lacking in focus: Simplifying a Python AST for an arithmetic expression [closed] The help page for "focus" says: If your question has many valid ...
Gaslight Deceive Subvert's user avatar
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Is a question about CSS framework integration too broad so SO?

So I found this question A fairly big part of me wants to flag this as too broad, because I can actually make a ...
Idra's user avatar
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What is the difference between too broad and primarily opinion based?

Recently I've seen two questions in a very similar fashion being flagged differently. I'm only starting to actually get acquainted with reviewing posts so I might be totally off here, but it seems to ...
janpieter_z's user avatar
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Narrowing down a broad question about a language's performance/security

Earlier I asked a question on SO about trying to figure out if there were any security/performance issues with backporting code from Java 1.8 to 1.5. My reasoning behind asking the question was ...
Christian Wilkie's user avatar
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Editing someone else's "too broad" question?

Let's say I come across a question that, as currently stated, is too broad. But let's also say that it looks like the original asker is driving at a more specific question that I happen to think is ...
seaotternerd's user avatar
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Should questions asking two separate things about two separate (but related) languages be separated?

I'm asking this in relation to the following question, but I'm interested in the community's view in general principle, not just in relation to the example question mentioned. Example: The question ...
T.J. Crowder's user avatar
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Question about video processing for the Windows desktop closed as too broad

I’ve answered a question that’s now closed as too broad, this one: Realtime video processing for the complete Windows desktop I’ve reworked the question. What do you think, is it still too broad? If ...
Soonts's user avatar
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Is this a too broad because it's a tool request?

Here's the question. Here's the question before the edit. The edit invalidated two answers and was done "to protect it from being removed" The question also mentions other tools that the OP tried to ...
noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ's user avatar
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Why is this a failed first-post audit? [duplicate]

I believe I've found a question that does not fit the standards of an audit. This question is clearly too broad about getting started with a ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
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How is this question too broad?

This question has been closed as Too Broad, but the latest edit seems to have cleared up any confusion. The accepted answer is precise and helpful, exactly what I was looking for, and demonstrates ...
mjr's user avatar
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How to improve a canonical question, that may appear to be "too broad"?

I keep finding myself posting an [mcve] link in comments to questions with either too much or too little code, but askers seem to be having a hard time actually producing a "Minimal, Complete, ...
IInspectable's user avatar
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On the criteria for "too broad" questions?

A couple of months ago, I started contributing to Stack Overflow, and since then I've been trying to understand issues such as "review" tasks. Although most issues seem pretty clear, others ...
armatita's user avatar
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Why is this question considered too broad?

I came across this question about pandas: Replacing loop with efficient pandas dataframe operation It applies several statistical models to a dataframe and extracts some model statistics (intercept, ...
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2 votes
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Looking for close reason [duplicate]

I just saw How to compile a c++ program using the terminal on a mac. That question has 11 (eleven) downvotes, but no close requests?! Now I am wondering: is the question actually "too broad"; or just ...
GhostCat's user avatar
  • 140k
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Is this question too broad?

As a follower of the scheme tag, I came across this question, which was closed as too broad. The question body in its entirety is simply the following: Is it possible to update the program code ...
Alexis King's user avatar
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Closed. This question needs to be more focused -> reopen

I have asked the question counting number of steps to reduce integer to 0 which to be fair was broad, thus it got closed, and got this message: Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is ...
MMSS19's user avatar
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What makes this question "too broad"?

I posted this question a couple of days ago, after coming across a problem for which I wasn't sure about the optimal solution. I did my best to explain the problem properly, provided example code, ...
steliosbl's user avatar
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Good arguments for "too broad"? [duplicate]

I came across Information on how to build a web service (frontend) some days ago. I quickly close/down-voted for "too broad". I tried to explain to the OP on my thinking; but it seems that ...
GhostCat's user avatar
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Flagging questions asking for code [duplicate]

I'd like to suggest another flag for questions which asks for code implementation. The reason for this, there have been lots of question like this lately (at least on the tags I usually browse). ...
Aurasphere's user avatar
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How could I make this question less broad?

I just had this question put on hold because it seems too broad. I had the feeling that it would make a good question about the limitations of cgo and don't really understand what's wrong about it. ...
d33tah's user avatar
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Is this question still on topic?

I recently reviewed an answer for this question, and was trying to decide if it was the answer I was having problems with or the question. The question quite literally asks for "what the other .NET ...
Heretic Monkey's user avatar
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Can I edit all but one of the questions out of a disjoint multi-part question?

I came across 4 program design interview questions. Clearly too broad as there are 4 (or 5) completely disjoint parts to it. But rather than voting to close (which would probably just expire anyway),...
Bernhard Barker's user avatar
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What is an indicator that a question is "too broad" or not?

What is the line between broad and too broad? As I understand "question put on Hold because: TOO broad" mean that a question is not only broad, but TOO broad for an good answer (and therefore the ...
Ralph's user avatar
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Why was this question flagged as too broad, and how can I improve on it?

This question was flagged as too broad. My issue is that I don't know how to make it more specific. I would appreciate suggestions for more info that I can provide, but honestly the question seems as ...
Alessandro Power's user avatar
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A clear question made unclear by OP's comment

SVG Path Data Regex C# is a question that was put on hold as to broad, which suprised me as I believed to understand it clearly, and gave a simple answer. What I now believe what happened is that a ...
ccprog's user avatar
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Why is this question about differences between two methods too broad?

I noticed that this old question has been closed as 'Too broad' I obviously don't understand something about the meaning of 'too broad' as the question seems fine to me. There are either too many ...
Sam Holder's user avatar
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How on Earth can this kind of question be so appreciated? [duplicate]

I found the Manually raising (throwing) an exception in Python question today. No doubt that it has good answers. But the question itself is too broad and doesn't show any research effort. I thought ...
ElmoVanKielmo's user avatar
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Why was this question put on hold as "too broad"?

This question was put on hold as too broad: Here is what I have done to try to get it taken off hold: ...
Be Kind To New Users's user avatar
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Why was my question closed as unfocused?

I asked this question recently, which quickly got downvoted and closed as unfocused, giving the advice to rewrite it so that it focuses on only one problem. I don't understand this at all though- as ...
Zoe Allen's user avatar
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What part of this question is unfocused?

For reference: How can I make garbage collection steal less of my resources during spikes in allocations? My question is very specific: how can I prevent Go's garbage collection from breaking down in ...
Collin Dauphinee's user avatar
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Should we answer questions where the OP has not shared their effort [duplicate]

...or has not shared what they have tried? Too many times I see questions like this where no effort has been put forth to attempt a solution. This question received a couple of answers quickly, so ...
Jay Blanchard's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are questions about design patterns at fault for being "primarily opinion-based"?

Earlier today, I asked a question about the design pattern of WordPress. With astonishing speed, it was "put on hold as primarily opinion-based." However, it seemed to me that was I asking a clearly ...
jfmercer's user avatar
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