I'm asking this in relation to the following question, but I'm interested in the community's view in general principle, not just in relation to the example question mentioned.
Example: The question Where are JavaScript vars stored? asks, well, where JavaScript variables are stored. It asks the question using Lisp as a reference, describing how things work in Lisp, including at one point saying
Strangely, Lisp does not seem to have a parallel to a JavaScript var/let/const; in the sense of the example above (Does it? I'm not very familiar with Lisp...)
I answered the question about JavaScript, and another helpful person answered the question about Lisp.
Having a question asking how variables work in two largely-unrelated languages seems over-broad to me and I suggested to the OP that he separate the question so that rather than one conflated question with two completely unrelated answers, there would be two targeted questions with targeted answers. E.g., that the way SO works, one question should ask one question, not two.
The other answerer said he didn't think that was the case. As both of us have long experience with SO, I thought I'd ask the community what they thought.
Should the question about whether things work as described in the question in Lisp be moved to a separate question?