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96 votes
2 answers

Users using other people's Twitter / GitHub on their profile

I've found questions dealing with impersonation of real people but these are primarily about the user names, and mostly in the context of politicians and celebrities. What about a user who sets the ...
l4mpi's user avatar
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115 votes
4 answers

What happens to an account after you die?

What happens to Stack Overflow accounts when the owner dies? Is there a process for marking an account In Memoriam and allowing an account of someone who has died to remain for as long as Stack&...
Richard Chambers's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How much time does it take to update the monthly ranking of a Stack Overflow profile?

I have gained around 30 reputation points today, but when I open my profile it still shows me the old reputation count and the old ranking for monthly ranks. I want to know how much time it will take ...
Sumit Kumar's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

How are users' top tags sorted in Stack Overflow?

Every user profile on Stack Overflow has a section that shows his top tags (see picture below). However, this list is in a different order if we look at the complete tags list (picture below). My ...
João Eduardo's user avatar
46 votes
1 answer

How precise is "last seen X minutes ago"? And what counts as "seen"?

I was wondering how precise the indication is that a user was last seen X minutes ago. And which actions would be required for a user to be "seen"? If he had a question page open in his browser, ...
m69 ''snarky and unwelcoming'''s user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Why did this user lose all his rep? [closed]

I've seen this user before, and he normally has a high rep. His profile serves to corroborate that, yet his current rep is only 81. Upon closer inspection, I realized there are a TON of high-valued ...
rory.ap's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Should political (possibly offensive) content be allowed in user's profile?

I was reading a question and I decided to take a look to OP's profile. I found his About Me section expresses offensive political opinions. According to this post political opinions can be expressed ...
Adriano Repetti's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can any user profile views have "0"? [closed]

Recently i have checked a user profile who have "0" profile view count. How it can be possible? Is there any bug or anything else that i don't know? The user i found in Stack Overflow ...
Shell's user avatar
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