I was wondering how precise the indication is that a user was last seen X minutes ago.
And which actions would be required for a user to be "seen"? If he had a question page open in his browser, and it updated automatically to show e.g. a change in rep or the "1 new answer to this question" message, would that be considered as the user being seen? Or would he need to actively interact with the page (voting, commenting, reloading, following a link...) to be seen?
This may seem like a strange or futile question, but sometimes it's useful to know whether a user has already seen a certain comment or answer, e.g. to know whether he's responsive to comments asking to clarify his question.
). If the user has been "active" --let's say-- an hour+ after that kind of a comment or answer was posted, odds are, he most likely saw the notification and either opened or ignored it. That's, of course, assuming that "Last seen" means "has been active on the site" which doesn't seem to be the case based on Shog9's answer.