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11 votes
4 answers

Should political (possibly offensive) content be allowed in user's profile?

I was reading a question and I decided to take a look to OP's profile. I found his About Me section expresses offensive political opinions. According to this post political opinions can be expressed ...
Adriano Repetti's user avatar
115 votes
4 answers

What happens to an account after you die?

What happens to Stack Overflow accounts when the owner dies? Is there a process for marking an account In Memoriam and allowing an account of someone who has died to remain for as long as Stack&...
Richard Chambers's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

How are users' top tags sorted in Stack Overflow?

Every user profile on Stack Overflow has a section that shows his top tags (see picture below). However, this list is in a different order if we look at the complete tags list (picture below). My ...
João Eduardo's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

Why did this user lose all his rep? [closed]

I've seen this user before, and he normally has a high rep. His profile serves to corroborate that, yet his current rep is only 81. Upon closer inspection, I realized there are a TON of high-valued ...
rory.ap's user avatar
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