When we think about this, I think it's important to consider the functions that meta currently serves:
- It allows users to ask for support
- It allows users to report bugs
- It allows users to request new features
- It allows users to raise discussions about site governance
- It allows users to raise 'call to action' posts, usually for some kind of janitorial task that could benefit from many hands
- It allows for communication from us (Stack Overflow, the company)
That's quite a few endeavors, some of them vastly different in purpose, means and ending, all relying on the same features and functionality and our user's knowledge of certain tags differentiating how things should be interpreted. That's a mouthful to say, much less process, much less learn when all you want to do is figure out how something works.
We could take stabs at eliminating frequent pain points and perhaps we should, but we've got to take a much bigger look at how 'meta' as a platform isn't serving all of the needs we kinda-sorta-maybe-hopefully-were-pretty-sure-ish it would when we just stood up a Q&A site and said "here's how this works differently".
Let's take a second and run down the list, and kind of where we are:
Support requests: The community does a fantastic job of creating and curating a pretty detailed manual on how stuff works, what to expect, how to solve common problems, and a collection of thoughts on why things work the way that they do. And it's great to see new questions get answers in a way that makes them suitable for adding to this collection. But, the increasing majority of these don't really need a crowd sourced effort, duplicate existing questions even though they're often asked quite differently, and become onerous on the community to answer. We need to find a better way for us to do the bulk of the support work, wile working in conjunction with folks invested in maintaining a really good public knowledge base. Getting down-voted for asking what you thought was a perfectly valid support question is pretty yucky, but so is expecting volunteers to be overjoyed at yet another duplicate. We need to use a more proper (and unified) support system, especially now that we've got several paid products to support.
Bug tracker: Not so good. Stuff gets overlooked, it's hard to manage any kind of presence (as in yes, we saw this) without unrealistically setting expectations (as in it's a year later and still no status tag). Stuff frequently gets closed (often as a duplicate) erroneously because users can only go by what they see. We really need a bug tracker and a way for people to say "this affects me too!", where we control how stuff gets closed and merged, and where robots kick dirt in our face if we neglect things. Downvotes on bug reports aren't very helpful, and can be off-putting to people that put time into writing them not realizing what they could have searched for.
Feature requests: It's actually pretty good for that, but again, we suffer from a lack of presence from us that doesn't set bad expectations. At the current scale it's so easy for a dozen things to fall through the cracks if just one person takes a short vacation or extended stint of sick leave. Yay / nay voting on these is pretty essential because a lack of "yay" can hide an overwhelming crowd of "nay!!!", but we need to make that experience different.
Discussions: Again, yay / nay work well here, but it's really hard to find consensus. The upside-down Q&A system is a great start here, but we need more, and there has to be some kind of clear path for change to happen in a way that it's advertised so we can avoid people unwittingly getting brow-beaten for breaking rules that are buried on page 317 subsection 21-A paragraph 119 that wasn't even advertised to them :)
Call-to-action: Works okay-ish, but why can't we advertise tag related discussions and tasks to people on the main site invested in those tags based on their participation? While I love that we're able to occasionally spot tag cleanups and other janitorial stuff that our developers can help make short work of, meta is (unfortunately) a place where that kind of work goes to die all too often. It just never gets seen, and also suffers from a lack of a consensus mechanism.
Communication from us: This works, okay-is, but we really need a more informal blog kind of system built into meta for stuff where we really only want to reach seasoned users that have interests in how stuff works and what we build. That's .. not the company main blog, and hasn't been for quite some time. I think we'd communicate quite a bit more if we had a more informal way of doing it, and I don't know how votes / answers come into play there.
So to the point (and yes, I do have one, and had one prior to that rant) we need to look at how all of the mechanisms here on meta work and make more informed, long-term decisions on the direction we need the software to go. While we don't want a platform for purely mindless fun, we do want people to feel more welcome here, and less like they've done something horrible even if their first attempt didn't go so well. To that, we definitely agree, we need the UI to do a much better job of setting people's expectations while encouraging everyone to keep the overall well being of community discourse in mind when participating.
But more duct tape and gum just lets us kick that can down the road another year, and I'm honestly tired of doing that. I'm putting this as deferred, because it's technically not declined, but the rabbit hole probably goes a lot deeper than you anticipated :)