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Unanswered Questions

1,873 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
76 votes
0 answers

Add fragment identifiers to MCVE page sections for easy linking

Sometimes, when I link to the MCVE page, I want to highlight one specific aspect using a fragment identifier. For instance, a question be minimal and complete, but not verifiable. It would be nice to ...
75 votes
0 answers

Support x86asm as a highlighted language

I would like to see x86 asm (Intel syntax) supported as a highlighted language. It is already supported by highlight.js as x86asm, and there are more than 15,000 questions in the x86 tag alone and ...
74 votes
0 answers

Can we opt out of the banner announcing Stack Overflow Podcasts?

Every once in a while, we get a banner on top that announces Stack Overflow podcasts: We should be able to opt out of seeing it. If that's not possible, it should at least go away automatically.
74 votes
0 answers

Guidance for writing question

Much like in the bio, when it is blank you get the following example: For a new user, or user with low rep, I propose something similar to the above might help in writing better quality questions. ...
74 votes
1 answer

Can we add a button "Format with Prettier" to the toolbar when editing posts?

Prettier supports formatting Markdown text and a bunch of languages. Can we add it as a button or format on save? All the posts will have a unified look and feel, without the extra spaces, wrong ...
73 votes
0 answers

Tweak the "X votes remaining" popup when voting to undelete

If I click the "undelete" button to cast a delete vote on a post that I didn't delete, a popup appears with a message like: Vote to undelete this post? (29 votes remaining) This wording is ...
73 votes
0 answers

VLQ review failed. No, I don't understand This was an audit, designed to see if you were paying attention. You didn't pass. This post has severe quality issues. It is abusive ...
73 votes
1 answer

Add Percentage-Based Factor to Audit Ban Criteria

I'm proposing that the criteria for audit-induced review bans be moved from an absolute value over a given timespan to also take into account a percentage factor of passed/failed. As I understand it, ...
72 votes
0 answers

enter image description here... please?

Would it be feasible to prevent users that haven't filled out the description of a linked images from submitting, instead showing some form of validation error? Here is an example of the situation I'...
72 votes
0 answers

Ambiguous tag [Poisson]

I noticed the tag poisson is used for several unrelated mathematical concepts, namely the Poisson equation, Poisson distribution and Poisson process (which is related to the distribution). The tag ...
71 votes
1 answer

When does Dark Mode come to Meta Stack Overflow?

Since Dark Mode has been rolled out to Stack Overflow and the international SO sites, it's only been allowed on the main sites. Why isn't it available on the meta sites? Is the code/style sheet not ...
70 votes
0 answers

Generate new types of audits for the Suggested Edits queue

The Suggested Edits queue still suffers from people who are too happy to approve things. The current batch of sloppy reviewers have learnt to Reject the current audits in the SE queue, but often don't ...
70 votes
0 answers

Can we have links to the actual user profile in comments?

I've a situation here - somebody changed my username (obviously to something I do not wish to have) using my computer while I was logged in. When I tried to change it back I got an error message ...
70 votes
1 answer

Grace Period to recover deleted answer content (User Removed)

Is there a way to place answers about to be deleted from User Removed events into some sort of Limbo for a short period, say 7 days. On several occasions I have seen a question I know I have answered ...
69 votes
0 answers

In memory of the Yellow CSS Box

Oh yellow box of error How I miss your background hue Parsing your words of terror From the many to the few Now replaced by a simple line That's vertical and grey A designer thought it fine But to me ...

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