If I click the "undelete" button to cast a delete vote on a post that I didn't delete, a popup appears with a message like:
Vote to undelete this post? (29 votes remaining)
This wording is ambiguous. The intended meaning is that I have 29 undelete votes left that I can cast today. However, it's open to being interpreted as meaning that the post needs 29 more undelete votes to be undeleted. In retrospect, maybe I'm a moron, but as somebody who rarely votes to delete or undelete things and is unfamiliar with the rules around how many votes are needed to perform either action, this recently misled me.
Can we simply change the copy to read
Vote to undelete this post? (You have 29 votes left today.)
instead? This would eliminate the ambiguity and make the message consistent with the "You have X votes left today" warning when casting upvotes or downvotes.