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Unanswered Questions

364 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
10 votes
0 answers

The Stacks Editor implementation of code formatting makes it much harder to edit questions in the Staging Ground

Just to be clear, I don't want a meta effect of votes on this question but it exemplifies the issue. I seemingly can't easily edit it back into shape like I used to be able to. The {} button has been ...
-3 votes
0 answers

Was my suggested edit to "Android:Playing a mp4 Video file while downloading it using LAN is Possible?" incorrectly rejected?

I recently suggested this edit. The edit removed some thing that were useless and should be removed (ex.I'm a newbie, thank you, Edited:), fixed capitatlization and punctuation, and cleaned up the ...
9 votes
1 answer

Why doesn't the user card have a blue background when a question asker edits another user's answer to their question?

Since question askers have a blue background in their user card for answers and comments they author on their own questions, as a matter of consistency I assume they should also have it on the user ...
8 votes
0 answers

Able to avoid minimum character limit in SG

Apparently you can avoid the minimum character limit of a post, in the Staging Ground, by editing a post and then using a different option, such as "require major changes". I was editing ...
14 votes
0 answers

Creating a code block in Staging Ground includes one additional character after the text selection

When you edit a question in the Staging Ground to convert a text selection into a multiline code block by using the "Code block" button (or pressing CTRL-M), a code block will be entered ...
11 votes
0 answers

"Posts edited" and Copy Editor badge progress are inconsistent due to Staging Ground edits

I noticed that my "Copy Editor" badge progress and the "posts edited" numbers are different. The former is 333 while the latter is 340. I thought these count the same things. ...
10 votes
0 answers

Rewrite URLs

Judging from these edits I made (listed below), removing "docs" from the URL fixes the link. For example, becomes edit 1 edit ...
9 votes
0 answers

Please add the ability to edit posts in the discussion-space

While questions/answers in the discussion space are by design not held to the same rigorous standard of regular SO posts, the ability to edit posts should still exist, as people still: do errors when ...
8 votes
0 answers

Indent/dedent in the Stacks Editor

I would love to have an indent and dedent keys in the new Stacks Editor. This has already been requested for the old markdown editor, but the request seems to have been ignored, and it seems like the ...
6 votes
0 answers

Duplicated answer after connection loss

I was editing my answer to this question when I lost my connection. After restoring connection and submitting the update, I have got a new answer appearing like if I duplicated my answer instead of ...
40 votes
0 answers

"Comment reserved for system use. Please use an appropriate comment." when submitting an edit with an edit comment

When editing this question by replacing the supplied images of the formula with identical mathjax formulas I tried to supply a reason as shown in the image with "use mathjax instead of images&...
7 votes
0 answers

Edit button on old revision doesn't edit right revision

I was on staging ground. I checked revision history, and I would like to get the text from some specific revision (not the actual one). So I clicked on the button "Edit this revision", and ...
6 votes
0 answers

Staging Ground edits don't have a grace period

I just edited a Staging Ground question's tags, then I noticed some typos and fixed them too, then noticed a typo I missed and fixed it. Each time I clicked the edit button created a new revision, but ...
28 votes
0 answers

Add a text field for specifying a reason when rolling back edits

In Leave comment when rolling back an edit?, the top answer suggests that you can click Edit for any post in the history, and then leave a reason for the edit. This is effectively rolling back a post ...
17 votes
0 answers

Can the New Question wizard check for multiline code inside single backticks?

Every day I fix up numerous questions that have multi-line code blocks enclosed in single backticks rather than triple backtick code fences. Or they don't put a newline between the triple backticks ...

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