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Unanswered Questions

2,204 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
40 votes
0 answers

Cannot delete due to linked question - Weird dialog behavior

I tried to delete a question that was tagged as a duplicate of another question (and already had 2 delete votes) and saw this: So I clicked the "View duplicate questions" button and saw this I ...
39 votes
0 answers

Questions and Articles are occasionally duplicated into two identical posts created in the same instant

I've noticed a number of incidences where a user posts the same question twice. However, these posts are created within the same second so this isn't a situation where a user keeps posting the same ...
39 votes
0 answers

Double slash gets added to the URL when clicking on chat navigation

Whenever I click on the link that is on the sidebar (which shows the chatrooms) an extra slash is added always in the URL before rooms, e.g. The link is not ...
39 votes
0 answers

Facebook avatars are displayed in HiDPI/Retina, but other avatars are not

Users that log in through Facebook get to have the avatars in their signature blocks displayed in HiDPI/Retina: they have 200x200 pixels of image data displayed in 32x32 logical/CSS pixels (6.25x). A ...
39 votes
0 answers

Gist One-Box is too large

When one-boxing gists, the resulting message is huge (about 30 lines). This takes up too much space in the chat. Can we make it smaller? Like say… 10 to 15 lines or something?
39 votes
0 answers

"Answer deleted" message floats above "question should be closed" dialog

I wanted to close a question, but at that moment a answer got removed. This caused the "answer was deleted" box to be shown above the "close dialog". This is a bug, because the "close dialog" should ...
39 votes
0 answers

Updates to deleted answers should not bump a question

After asking this question: Post modified but nothing has changed I found out that if a user updates a deleted answer, it bumps the question as it updates the last modified time. For users under 10k ...
39 votes
1 answer

Edit rejected as too minor - on my own post?

Firstly, yes I was logged in, this is completely reproducible, and it's nothing to do with not being logged in. If you edit your own post, and while you're making the edit another user suggests the ...
38 votes
0 answers

Please Fix Stack Snippets

Please fix the many outstanding issues with Stack Snippets: Why won't this snippet with async await work here on Stack Overflow snippet editor? Fixed Oct 3 2024 Update the version of Babel Standalone ...
38 votes
0 answers

Think this question should be migrated to another site? Think again

Today, I got this while flagging a post: Think this question should be migrated to another site? Please first check that it is clearly-written and on-topic for the site you're recommending. If you ...
38 votes
0 answers

Review queue showing review alert for users who can't review

I made a mistake in the review queue some days ago and I have to wait two more days to continue helping with the review queues. Fair enough. But this red alert box keeps showing to me, reminding me ...
38 votes
0 answers

Azure ad is intercepting touch events and opening itself

It's nearly impossible to scroll past this Azure ad on my phone, because it apparently intercepts touch events and then opens itself as soon as my finger is lifted. My browser history tends to look ...
38 votes
0 answers

Jumbo ad for teams

This ad is "yuge". It breaks the flow of the sidebar!
38 votes
0 answers

Russian currency name is not in style with the site

Russian users are currently presented with this kind of page in salary calculator "руб" part here is in cyrillic, although all the site is in latin characters is textual and not symbolic, thus ...
38 votes
0 answers

No space between search options

Check out this search example. It looks like an absolute mess above the search bar: It would be much better if the options were separated with commas and spaces: not closed, views>=1000, answers 0

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