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1 answer

Cannot retract a single handed close vote

I just close voted a question and as I have enough privilege, the qustion was immediately closed. So far so good. But then I realized that I shouldn't have close voted, but it's impossible to retract ...
Jabberwocky's user avatar
  • 50.7k
6 votes
2 answers

Can dupehammers retag AND hammer now, or is this merely a bug? [closed]

My experience has been that a dupehammer doesn't work if you added the tag you have a hammer in yourself. Today we had a Q in SOCVR that had been edited into shape and thus reopened. I asked the OP ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.6k
6 votes
1 answer

How can I vote to close a question without instantly closing it with a gold badge? [duplicate]

Closing questions as duplicates is a great feature, however for some of the questions, I would prefer to vote to close instead of instantly closing it as a duplicate since I am having a gold badge in ...
Ahmad F's user avatar
  • 31.6k
13 votes
1 answer

Undoing a duplicate super close vote

I just closed this question C# String reference not set to an instance of a String as a duplicate and realised after that it wasn't quite a duplicate. I suspect the answer will be useful since the ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 27.6k
44 votes
3 answers

What should I do as a gold badge holder if I feel the duplicate target isn't the right one?

This question mainly targets gold tag badge owners. Sometimes a question is asked and closed as a duplicate. This question is very likely to have been already asked, but the "original" question ...
Jean-François Fabre's user avatar
1 vote
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Close information accuracy [duplicate]

I am relatively new to the SQL gold badge, so not sure if this may be confusing for others too. Because of the gold badge I closed this question without more votes: How to get second, third and more ...
Juan Carlos Oropeza's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

If I close as a duplicate question with 4 close votes it is closed with a wrong reason [duplicate]

I tried to close question as a duplicate of Undefined reference to 'main' when compiling a module However, ...
Vladimir F Героям слава's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Close vote from a gold badge holder is not closing the question immediately [duplicate]

Few minutes back, I casted a close vote (duplicate) to this question. I have a gold badge in C and as per my understanding, the question should get to "closed" staus immediately. However, it's not. ...
Sourav Ghosh's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why I can't close questions tagged with badge that I have gold badge in it? [duplicate]

According to this: It takes 5 close votes to reach the closing threshold (except for duplicate questions, which can be marked as duplicate with a single vote from a user who has earned a gold ...
Maroun's user avatar
  • 95.8k
429 votes
2 answers

When did I get close-vote superpowers?

I just marked this question as a duplicate all by myself. I am not a moderator and I don't think this should be possible. Did I miss something?
John Conde's user avatar
  • 220k