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5 votes
1 answer

Please make the close dialog on Teams draggable [closed]

Recently, we've got the ability to close questions as off-topic in Teams. This is neat, but when trying it out, I noticed the close dialog is not draggable. On public Q&A sites, the dialog has a ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 22.6k
25 votes
2 answers

Close a question when it gets 3 (or 4) leading 'Close' votes? [duplicate]

Five 'Close' votes* from regular users are needed to close a question (or put it 'on hold') (reference). *Close votes can be of types: 'Close' (can be cast from inside or outside the review queue); ...
Andre Silva's user avatar
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139 votes
3 answers

Reduce the number of votes required to close a question to 4 [duplicate]

Related (from 2009): Now that there is a League of Super Heroes should the number of votes required to close/move be reduced? Also very related (but not identical): Why are 5 close votes required? ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

Edit duplicate closure target after close vote has been cast

Sometimes a question is clarified ( rarely ) after a duplicate closure, and the clarification is still a duplicate just of a different question. A more common case is sometimes you copy paste the ...
user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

give users dupe-hammer when marking their own questions as a dupe

I have seen two examples recently (1, 2) where OP came to the realization that their own question was a duplicate of another, and chose to vote-to-close their own question as a duplicate of another. ...
Robert Crovella's user avatar
146 votes
5 answers

Close and Triage queues need a downvote option. No, really

I've been spending a lot of time in the close vote queue. I feel that there is a problem with the tools available to me there or in the triage queue. As a syllogism, er, wait, I have three premises: ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
  • 43.3k
9 votes
1 answer

Please correct the close-privilege help-page

The close-privilege help-page currently contains this sentence: Questions can go through multiple close and reopen cycles, but each individual user may only vote once in each direction in the cycle....
Deduplicator's user avatar
  • 45.6k
57 votes
1 answer

Update Help Center to include the mighty Mjölnir

The Why are some questions marked as duplicate? topic in the help center states: It takes 5 close votes to reach the closing threshold. But of course, this is not strictly true and may lead ...
p.s.w.g's user avatar
  • 149k
57 votes
5 answers

Add CrossValidated to list of migration sites in the Close Dialog

As most are aware, we are limited to 5 standard migration paths. The current migration paths are: Meta Stack Overflow Super User Tex DBA Sharepoint If users want to migrate to another site, they ...
Taryn's user avatar
  • 247k
59 votes
3 answers

Enough fuzzying: let's let everything into the close queue and age out questions that don't reach a threshold

We've just about hit equilibrium here: Fuzzy the number of questions in the close review queue, a dopamine for the shutterers The number of questions in the queue is falling slowly, but I don't think ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
9 votes
1 answer

Show off-topic reason while reviewing close votes

When reviewing Close Votes in the review tools, it's always good to know for what reason it was voted for closure. The good news: It already does this! However, it doesn't show the sub reasons of the ...
Wouter J's user avatar
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