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Why can't I vote to close with a different reason after retracting my vote? [duplicate]

I had voted to close a question, but has selected the wrong reason. So I have retracted my vote, and wanted to vote again with the right reason. But it's not possible to vote for a close again. Is ...
eisbehr's user avatar
  • 12.4k
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What should I do when I want to change close reason from "need debugging info" to "can not reproduce"? [duplicate]

Someone posted a question without enough information to reproduce the issue, so I voted to close the question as 'Needs debugging details', then pointed out in a comment that I need more details to ...
hanshenrik's user avatar
  • 21.3k
3 votes
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Why can't you vote to close again after you voted to retract another close vote? [duplicate]

Sometimes I closed a question as off-topic or something..., But then I realized that it's a total duplicate, so I retract my previous vote, and then try to vote for duplicate (so basically change ...
U13-Forward's user avatar
  • 71.5k