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Dealing with "is this a good way to..." questions

I recently came across a lot of questions in the form of "is this a good way to achieve a certain outcome", like this question for instance. Don't these questions belong to the CodeReview site? If so,...
ThunderStruct's user avatar
-6 votes
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Why aren't all the questions on Meta.SO that pertain to multiple or all Stack Exchange sites migrated to MSE?

I've seen many questions here on Meta.SO that could really apply to multiple or all Stack Exchange sites. Why aren't all of those questions migrated to Meta.SE? (reasons other than the 60-day limit) ...
clickbait's user avatar
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12 votes
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Are blender questions on topic?

First off a bit of background. Blender is a open source program for entirety of the 3D pipeline. (If all that means nothing to you then you will understand why I'm asking this.) In May of 2013 blender ...
David's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Procedure on handling formerly on-topic questions

We often hear of the burninations of old tags with many questions, the Meta posts of topics where the questions were formerly on-topic, but are within SO's scope no more. Here's a pretty good example:...
Zizouz212's user avatar
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Does the Tour Example Question belong on SO?

I've noticed when I looked at the Tour for StackOverflow the current question didn't really seems like it belonged to Stack Overflow. While I agree that the question is indeed on-topic because it ...
Spencer Wieczorek's user avatar
15 votes
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How should I handle this low quality question which was cross-posted?

The question is Minecraft forge mod: Remove a block and place a new block I tagged it as java because that's the language used for development in Minecraft, so it can be on-topic here if modified ...
user avatar
4 votes
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Are questions about usability and user interface on topic?

I just saw this question. It's tagged with usability and user-interface because it's asking about user interface design (in this case in html but it's pretty platform/language agnostic). Questions ...
Adriano Repetti's user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

Can we move a question from Stack Overflow to another Stack Exchange site?

Would it be possible to move a question from one Stack Exchange site to another? If yes, what would happen with answers and votes assigned to that question?
eldjon's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Migrating old, low-quality question

I want to purify my karma. According to Help Center: Begin by fixing your existing posts An here is the problem: some time ago I asked this question on StackOverflow. It was downvoted because it ...
Kao's user avatar
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4 votes
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Author initiated migration to other SE sites? [duplicate]

Is there a process in place to allow authors to voluntarily migrate their own questions if the question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network? I'm interested in a self-service process,...
jww's user avatar
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3 votes
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Should I try to have questions moved from Stack Overflow to Code Review?

All too often, I see posts (generally by new users) who have a syntax error or are having trouble with learning how to use a specific data structure in their code. I feel like this type of question ...
SimonT's user avatar
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