First off a bit of background.
Blender is a open source program for entirety of the 3D pipeline. (If all that means nothing to you then you will understand why I'm asking this.)
In May of 2013 blender got its own dedicated SE site:!
After reading the what is on topic pagefor SO I quickly see that basic questions about blender (not some of the scripting or three.js questions) do not fit in any of the categories for on topicness.
While blender can use python, the majority of blender questions on SO have nothing to do with scripting at all. (I'm going just from the blender tag and not all the extra version tags.)
1,397 blender questions
981 without the python tag
723 without python or three.js tags
Going from these real rough numbers I would say easily half of the blender questions are off topic.
Are these blender questions on topic now?
Why are these blender questions still being asked on SO? Why not just close any new ones as off topic, and direct/migrate to BSE?
I'm not asking about the coding questions that happen to have blender involved, but rather the question that have no coding at all. like these examples:
- Multiple materials or texture on low poly meshes?
- Blender sort elements not working
- How to apply all transformations including scale, rotation etc and make a 3d model defined from world co-ordinates in blender
and many many more.
What should be done with these questions?
aren't used to program, but are used by programmers to organize their code. There's plenty of tools that can be very helpful yet not be strictly related to writing code.