Linked Questions

513 votes
1 answer

Why isn't it required to provide comments/feedback for downvotes, and why are proposals suggesting this so negatively received?

Sometimes my post receives downvotes with no explanation on what I've done wrong. Even worse, sometimes I just get snarky comments! It seems like this is especially bad for new users, who are made to ...
-3 votes
1 answer

How do we avoid downvotes without a comment? [duplicate]

I am not looking for a smarty pants telling me "Well, just ask a good question" I see bad questions getting downvoted as well as good questions, without a single comment. The questioner has no clue ...
Toskan's user avatar
  • 14.8k
-23 votes
1 answer

Add a voting attribute option [duplicate]

I was reading one of the hot meta questions about restricting voting rights here: Restrict up vote rights Based on several discussions in the comments and the answers themselves it seems like the ...
Shawn's user avatar
  • 3,359
1217 votes
54 answers

Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? [closed]

I've been using Stack Overflow for a few years, and initially most questions you asked got a positive reception: happy comments and answers, people that tried to help you out regardless of the ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
1110 votes
50 answers

Question quality is dropping on Stack Overflow

I'm seeing a rapid trend towards worse and worse question quality. It gets to the point where I'm asking myself "Why did I even help this guy? He neither has the will nor the capacity to understand ...
Tomalak's user avatar
  • 338k
324 votes
73 answers

What can we do to encourage downvoting?

Downvoting is a bigger privilege than upvoting and it plays a crucial role in keeping the content on this site clean. Downvoting is our most powerful tool for us, non-moderator users. Downvotes are a ...
Dharman's user avatar
  • 33.1k
217 votes
18 answers

Is asking reasons for downvote in comments non-constructive? [duplicate]

Several users tend to scream in comments Why was my answer downvoted and such whenever their post is downvoted. (The reason for downvote might be legitimate or not, that's not the point.) My ...
devnull's user avatar
  • 123k
213 votes
21 answers

Can we make it more obvious to new users that downvotes on the main site are not insults and in fact can help them help themselves?

So, going through the questions about the blog post, it's stirred an old question in me I've wanted to ask for a while. To be clear, I have been sitting on this question for a while, not quite ...
Kendra's user avatar
  • 769
319 votes
9 answers

Should we stop commenting altogether?

Yes, that's a pretentious title. I love commenting. I'm on my way to having posted 15,000 comments. I want to help people improve their question so it won't be closed, or help them find a duplicate ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
  • 151k
203 votes
12 answers

Stack Overflow fatigue - has your usage / motivation dropped off?

I joined Stack Overflow during the private beta testing phase - I had the time of my life posting answers, asking questions, learning by reading other's questions. That was 2009. Over the last few ...
Gishu's user avatar
  • 137k
110 votes
16 answers

Is it OK to downvote questions because of bad grammar?

I'm interested in hearing from official moderators if there's an official stance/policy regarding what are appropriate actions to take on questions with bad grammar: Is it OK to downvote a question ...
user avatar
248 votes
9 answers

On the false dichotomy between quality and kindness

Many things have been said in the Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming. It’s Time for That to Change. blog post. I want to examine a particular statement: Let’s reject the false dichotomy between ...
Nicol Bolas's user avatar
120 votes
8 answers

Is it unkind to invite a person to clean up his code?

Recently, a person registered for one year, submitted his thirteenth question. This question featured a piece of code which: Is badly indented (which makes it quite misleading sometimes), Has no ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
191 votes
7 answers

Require a comment explaining the reason for the first downvote on a question [duplicate]

As far as I understand the system downvotes should educate the users and help keeping the standards of questions (and answers) as high as possible. Agreeing with a downvote and adding one more is ...
TaW's user avatar
  • 54.3k
151 votes
8 answers

Can we have some site approved canned comments to match the new CoC and welcoming?

There's so much confusion and debate over what is welcoming and what is expected of users with the Code of Conduct changing. There's a fine line we step between being frank in our discourse and what ...
user avatar

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