While discussing stats request related to this issue I re-checked explanation of how items are prioritized in close queue and, you know, if system really works as described there then it actually makes weekend questions escape completion of close vote review:
the more previous reviews a given task has had, the closer to the top of the queue it'll be... preference is also given to the most recently queued items...
Let's see, imagine a close-worthy question asked on weekend. Someone's vote / flag pushes it in close queue where it hangs unattended because there are less reviewers on weekend. Okay, now new week starts and active reviewers get back to the queue... but!
But at this moment our question is heavily lower in priority by both of the stated criteria: first, because it has too few reviews (since there were too few reviewers to look at it on weekend) and second, because it has been queued too long ago (a day or two before, at this age it just can't compete with questions that entered queue in last few hours).
As a result it gets to the very bottom of the queue with zero chances for reviewers to check it, eventually ages away from it and hangs open, probably misleading inexperienced askers into belief that such questions are okay.
I think it would be interesting to see what happens if close queue prioritization was somehow tweaked to account for above. Most straightforward approach would probably be to simply ignore weekend hours when calculating "queuing age" parameter.
This kind of things looks easy to measure: just calculate percentage of questions that age away from queue for those that enter it on weekends and weekdays. If prioritization is done right there shouldn't be big difference.