Kind of related to Can we talk about the voting culture here on Meta?, but that one is about downvoting. I want to talk about close-voting and delete-voting. For quite some time I noticed that there is a group of people on Meta who vote to close any question they don't like as off-topic, choosing varying reasons that don't actually apply. Then, after the question gets closed, the delete-votes pile up.
This results in questions asked by well-meaning but perhaps ill-informed users to be downvoted into oblivion, close-voted before someone can answer and delete-voted within the first hour of its existence. I interpret this as "We don't want your kind here, go away", which is not nice to users who genuinely want feedback or discussion. I also addressed this in my answer in 'Meta to new user: your question is a turd that cannot be polished (or: we need to Be Nice here too)'.
I'm going to have to reconstruct the history I have with this issue from my flagging history to provide some backstory.
Seven months ago there was this question: Is [discussion] allowed on meta?. I flagged it at the moment it had two "cannot reproduce" close-votes, which were ridiculously inapplicable. My flag was considered "helpful" and the close-votes were invalidated by a moderator. The question is now closed as "does not seek input and discussion", which is fine, as the OP seemed to want to post a rant instead of starting a discussion.
Then there was Is there a name for Stack Overflow users as a whole?. It was closed as "off-topic". Then it was reopened by five users. And closed as "opinion-based" again. I flagged, flag was marked "helpful", a mod opened the question again.
After that I flagged Who is a moderator ? Are they an employee of SO?, because there were "non-repro" votes again. Sure, it might be a silly question, but that doesn't warrant close-voting with random close reasons as far as I'm concerned. This time, the flag was declined: "The user appears to be voting properly. The example you gave is a terrible question that should definitely have been closed. Perhaps you should review"
Next question from my flagging history: Question has the answer, right after the 3rd edit. Why wasn't it noticed by future edits/mods?. The close-voters interpreted the question incorrectly, and picked the wrong duplicate. My flag was marked "helpful", but the question remains closed as an incorrect duplicate.
Then there was this "Is this on-topic for Stack Overflow?" question: Where can I ask: Lotus Notes 8.5 Not Supporting Digital Badging. Initially I close-voted because it looked like a question that should have been posted to Main, but it was edited after which I retracted my close-vote. Yet it was robo-close-voted. My flag was marked "helpful", no visible action taken. Took quite some time to go through the reopen queue.
I should be allowed to answer closed questions was again one of those cases where close-votes appeard to be abused as "I strongly disagree" votes, which is not what they are for. After two declined flags because I wasn't verbose enough, the third flag was marked "helpful" and one hour after closing it, it was reopened and remains open.
Serial voting still showing on my questions 5 days after incident, cache not cleared as expected? closed as duplicate without reading or understanding the question.
I hope the pattern is clear now.
Now the problem that I'd like to discuss: it appears to me that an small crowd of 5-10 relatively low-rep (5K-20K) people are active in the review queues on Meta, and they are down-, close- and delete-voting everything that they don't like, while they (again, this is how it appears to me) hardly ever participate posting actual answers on Main.
Do we want a group that small determine what gets discussed on Meta? Do they have the right to close-vote with whatever reason they seem fit, without even trying to (or at least in some cases failing to) understand what's actually being asked in some cases, and delete-voting it so only a small group gets to read what gets posted here on a daily basis?
Alright, an edit to more expressively clarify my concerns: it appears that there are a couple of users who grind the close and reopen queue, where the tendency of voting hangs towards "close" or "leave closed" or even "delete", while the questions and their comments don't appear to be read that attentively.