The "Close" dialog would benefit from options to redirect people to the appropriately localized Stack Overflow site. There's several now and yet with regularity there's Russian, Spanish and Portguese questions being asked.
Right now there's several options, none of which are addressed in the Close dialog:
Having these as an additional "Closing > Off-Topic" section for the various localized sites would help. Right now it's a manual process to bump these people through to their appropriate home and a lack of properly localized errors could be confusing to people in the wrong place.
An explicit This question is not English and is off-topic options with links to these other sites would help considerably. This wouldn't require any judgement when making a close vote other than assessing that it's clearly not English.
Additionally, listing these as options in the top bar or with better placement in the footer might avoid a lot of these mis-categorizations in the first place. Finding the Spanish site from the English one requires clicking a link in the footer, then finding it a fairly randomly organized list of other sites.