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Unanswered Questions

957 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
56 votes
0 answers

I haven't failed an audit in ages - but I just did and now I'm banned

So I haven't failed a review audit in ages. That being said, I mis-clicked Approve and it had a cow and banned me for two days. You have failed too many audits Why am I now unable to complete my ...
55 votes
0 answers

Could we update the link to the supported prettify language codes?

I've hit this for a few times and it's quite misleading. If you go to the Markdown help, there's this quote; please follow the link (which I made bold in this quote): You can use either one of the ...
53 votes
0 answers

Escaped HTML in comment error popup

I tried to use to shorten a long link, and was blocked by the system. The popup error contained some non-rendered HTML. It looks like this should have been rendered as a new line and bold, but ...
52 votes
0 answers

Make [japanese], [korean] and [chinese] synonyms of [cjk]

Yesterday, I attempted to create the tag korean to match the tag japanese, but the tag edit process (in review queue because I have less than 20,000 reputation) was invalidated following Filnor meta ...
52 votes
0 answers

Hero header on "About Us" page overlaps navigation bar menus

When visiting the About Us page for SO, I noticed the menus display behind the big blue "Learn, Share, Build" banner. See below. The same thing happens with each menu item. Browser: Google Chrome ...
50 votes
0 answers

Quick route from Meta to Main

After multiple years of use, one of my "muscle memories" is navigating from Meta to Main, something I do fairly frequently after seeing something in Hot Meta Posts etc. On the old navigation it was ...
50 votes
0 answers

Add descriptions for each comment flag option into the flag dialog

When flagging a comment the following dialog is displayed: For people who have little or no experience in flagging, I think it would be beneficial to add the text from the Flagging a comment section ...
49 votes
0 answers

Update Help Center page about login credentials

The instructions and images on page titled How do I add or remove login credentials from my account? are inaccurate after the introduction of new profile pages. Link "My Logins" is one of ...
48 votes
0 answers

Merge [pyunit] with [python-unittest]

The tags for pyunit (146 questions) and python-unittest (1,283 questions) should be merged, as both names refer to the same testing library. Python's unittest documentation: The Python unit ...
48 votes
0 answers

Can someone undelete my question?

I just read this post that says users with high reputation can undelete questions. I hope I'm doing things right, since it's unclear to me how am I supposed to ask for "undeletion". My question was ...
48 votes
0 answers

The Devil is in the [details]

For some reason there is a details tag which is being applied to everything from the HTML <details> element to getting details about a file. 148 questions No excerpt No wiki "Details" is a ...
48 votes
0 answers

Limit the number of pending suggested edits

Recently, I have noticed several users below the 2000 rep threshold going on an retagging spree in the suggested edit queue. Can we limit the number of pending suggested edits to 5 or 10 to ...
48 votes
0 answers

Make these specific [jquery-*] and [jquery-ui-*] tags synonyms

The following tags all refer the same jQuery UI components but use both the jquery-ui-* prefix and the jquery-* prefix. I suggest all of the following tags are made synonyms. jquery-dialog -> jquery-...
47 votes
0 answers

Rename [car] to [r-car]

car It's increasingly obvious having a [car] tag is inviting people to ask questions about cars, and not R, despite having an excerpt that says it's not about cars. Renaming the tag should help ...
47 votes
0 answers

Suggested edits count badge shouldn't be displayed in top bar after reaching daily quota

There's a badge in the top bar showing the number of suggested edits that need to be reviewed, which is nice. However, once I've reviewed 20 and can't review any more, that badge is still displayed. ...

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