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Unanswered Questions

454 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
12 votes
0 answers

Community user incorrectly changing links from MSO to MSE

See my question here: Dealing with answers which just link to "possible duplicate" and copy a snippet from it The community user automatically edited the post to change the link from Meta ...
12 votes
1 answer

How do I improve this title?

Recently, I've seen this question. It is a question about a new feature of AngularJS and many people are asking questions about (not only on Stack Overflow). I found it useful, so I think it ...
12 votes
1 answer

Someone suggested an edit to an answer - I'd like to ask him why he thinks it's necessary

He put an effort to the edit (I approved a previous edit he submitted), and before I reject it I'd be happy to allow him to explain why he thinks it improves my answer. Is there a way for me to ...
11 votes
0 answers

"Posts edited" and Copy Editor badge progress are inconsistent due to Staging Ground edits

I noticed that my "Copy Editor" badge progress and the "posts edited" numbers are different. The former is 333 while the latter is 340. I thought these count the same things. ...
11 votes
0 answers

On topic question closed as duplicate of off-topic question with historical significance

I just ran across What does the 'git add .' ('git add' single dot) command do? which is marked as a duplicate of Git for beginners: The definitive practical guide. The duplicate target ...
11 votes
0 answers

Is it ok to edit a long text without new lines to paragraphs?

Personally I find it hard to read posts that have over 6 lines written without new lines. So when I see one I want to split it in to paragraphs. Earlier when my edits were reviewed some of my edits ...
11 votes
0 answers

Error when trying to edit a post with zero changes

I'm getting an error when trying to edit this post: Even if I make zero changes, when I click "Save Edits" the page scrolls up to the text box and throws the ...
11 votes
0 answers

We are down to two, so the help center should say the same

Two (three on Stack Overflow) accept or reject votes are required to remove the suggested edit from the queue and either apply the edit to the post or discard it. Users with more than 2,000 reputation ...
11 votes
0 answers

Advertising or legit question/answer pair?

I have encountered this question and I am struggling to find any usefulness in it! The title is not great and the question is of very low quality. Answers are basically a bunch of links to the ...
11 votes
0 answers

Two identical sets of changes made 10 seconds apart and both edits allowed?

If you look at the revision history you will see that Benjamin.W and I both made the identical changes (but not identical comments about the changes) ...
11 votes
0 answers

Whitespaces don't count as characters in edits?

Just a minute ago I wanted to edit this question and fix the wrong indentation. It needed 12 whitespaces if you use 4 per one indent. However, when I tried to submit this edit, I was told that my edit ...
10 votes
0 answers

The Stacks Editor implementation of code formatting makes it much harder to edit questions in the Staging Ground

Just to be clear, I don't want a meta effect of votes on this question but it exemplifies the issue. I seemingly can't easily edit it back into shape like I used to be able to. The {} button has been ...
10 votes
0 answers

Rewrite URLs

Judging from these edits I made (listed below), removing "docs" from the URL fixes the link. For example, becomes edit 1 edit ...
10 votes
0 answers

What has happened to question #411290?

There's this question at Meta Stack Exchange and an answer to it. First comment under this answer points to the following question: Why do people think functional programming will catch on? http://...
10 votes
0 answers

What should I do with old questions where the problem was mis-identified?

The site is full of examples with a few upvotes and many years of history like: Need a way to load embedded, escaped JSON strings in Python The problem here is that the title implies a how-to question,...

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