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Unanswered Questions

454 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
-11 votes
1 answer

Could the suggested edits cap limit get increased with positive edit suggestions rating?

As of late I've been pretty active in the review queues myself. Editing a lot of newbie questions, adding tags, formatting, changing to more fitting titles You know the drill.. Thing is, I've lately ...
-14 votes
1 answer

Virus Code discovered by my Antivirus on an SO question

See this question: Trying to decode a virus This page is blocked - it loads and then the page removed by ESET Endpoint Secuirty on my Laptop. The AntiVirus software states it has found code for PHP/...
-15 votes
1 answer

Can my question please be reopened?

This one: How to show a banner using a Chrome extension which doesn't require DOM modification I edited and updated the content. I think it is much clearer now.
-16 votes
1 answer

I should be able to undo a vote on an answer I once upvoted without editing if I put a bounty on the question

Assume I have received an answer once which I upvoted and marked solved because it contained a helpful workaround and no other answer has been received for weeks. Now, working intensively with it I ...

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