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Unanswered Questions

315 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
7 votes
0 answers

Inbox fails to update with new messages after reading one new message

Several times now, I've noticed a problem with the Inbox where it doesn't properly show new messages. This only happens on tabs that have been open for a while, where I've already received and read an ...
9 votes
0 answers

Unable to edit my own answers; attempt save edits results in server 500 error

Symptoms for multiply-reported issue (500 response to edit) High-reputation user unable to save edits on one or more posts with a HTTP 500 response from SO's servers. Issue may or may not resolve ...
9 votes
0 answers

Mark comment in inbox as read when comment is opened via the link to that comment in an email

If I click on an unread comment in my inbox, the red number decreases (or goes away if the number was one). This "red number" decrease doesn't happen if I click the link for the comment (the ...
7 votes
0 answers

Improve warning box color when editing a previous version of a post

When editing a previous version of a post, the following warning box shows. As you see, there's a red dotted border around the box, which I think is quite unclear. Can it be fixed to be similar to ...
9 votes
0 answers

Opening a notification in new tab doesn't mark the notification as read

I often open notifications in a new tab and recently they don't go away when you click and open in the tab. So after opening and reading the comment, I need to click notification again to hide it and ...
5 votes
0 answers

"Unread" filter for inbox doesn't work

I have 9 "old" unread messages, but the "Unread" filter doesn't show any of them. New ones do get shown if there are any, but not old ones. I could go to the "full inbox" ...
6 votes
0 answers

"Follow" for chats

Can we get "follow" functionality for chats, so we get notified about new messages even after we closed the tab? It's super useful for questions/answers. But with chats, I have to actively ...
9 votes
0 answers

Why is my reopen queue completion notification written in Russian?

For the following post: How to get messages in a channel in pycord and then delete them? (don't worry about the issues with this post; I'm currently trying to fix my duplicate. A lot of people viewed ...
6 votes
0 answers

Edit grace period not applied

I just posted an answer and right after submitting it found a typo that I corrected. Usually, this should not create a new revision, but for some reason it did - why? I found Was the 5 minute edit ...
7 votes
0 answers

How to improve my "please edit the question" comments

How can I (or should I?) write comments to prompt editing of the post? Generally, I write comments to request clarifications/improvements to questions strictly for warm fuzzies. Somewhat unfortunately ...
10 votes
0 answers

What should I do with old questions where the problem was mis-identified?

The site is full of examples with a few upvotes and many years of history like: Need a way to load embedded, escaped JSON strings in Python The problem here is that the title implies a how-to question,...
-9 votes
1 answer

If I have sufficient rep, I should be able to edit a closed question and cast a reopen vote at the same time

This feature request comes from this question, especially this comment. When I edit a closed question, there’s a checkbox below the edit area that reads: This edit resolves the original close reason ...
6 votes
0 answers

How can I edit several messages because there are security concerns?

I would like to make a security edit (but all the answers repeat the same concern). I don't know how to proceed with the edit, and that is why I'm bringing the issue up on Meta. There is this message: ...
17 votes
0 answers

'Your Teams are moving' dialog box ji-ji-ji-jitters when I scroll

Firefox 106.0.1 Chrome 106.0.5249.119
3 votes
0 answers

"You have started editing this post. Abandon the edit?" opens briefly and immediately closes if I hit Escape button

I was trying to edit a question that I just asked, and I've found a bug where I can't use the Escape button. The dialog saying "You have started editing this post. Abandon the edit?" briefly ...

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