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Unanswered Questions

284 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
8 votes
0 answers

Changing edit summary of a previous revision

If I go to the revision history of an answer to edit the field "Edit Summary" of a revision, the change will not be saved unless I also edit the actual answer. I have not tested whether this is also ...
38 votes
0 answers

See entire preview while editing a question

Most editing doesn't take a tremendous amount of time especially when it's in a tag you are familiar with. New users typically don't use backticks properly or will leave logcat and other error ...
3 votes
0 answers

Editing question after successful answer to better reflect the exact problem

I just posted a question to SO asking why a thread in my python script was misbehaving. I had some PySerial things included that turned out to not cause any bit of the problem, but I included that ...
8 votes
0 answers

Unable to load a previous revision of a question/answer when editing

Shift-click Edit on a question or an answer. A new window appears, with a dropdown for existing revisions. Select a previous revision from the dropdown. Nothing happens (the new text is not loaded ...
3 votes
0 answers

Whats the etiquette when you answer the OPs question, but they change it in the comments

I was helping a user answer a question Parse login not working properly but they were not very clear what they were after. After speaking to them in the comments it was clear that his question had ...
3 votes
0 answers

Editing post - Show preview of title

When editing a post I'd like the preview below the editing textarea to also preview the title of the post. I have two reasons for wanting this. Attention to title I have a tendancy to focus my ...
7 votes
0 answers

Isn't the code/text ratio filter applied to question edits?

I just came over this question and wondered, because IIRC there should be a code/text ratio filter, that should prevent from such question being allowed to be posted at all. Am I wrong about this ...
2 votes
0 answers

Revoke answer acceptance to ask unrelated or loosely-related follow-up question

I've been noticing a trend recently, that plays out as follows: User A asks a simple, straightforward question relating to a larger, more complicated project they are working on. User B gives a ...
2 votes
0 answers

Git error message changed over the years - should the most popular question be updated?

I noticed that with 2k+ rep my edits are no longer reviewed and are automatically applied. I'd like to edit this question: Git checkout: updating paths is incompatible with switching branches I ...
10 votes
0 answers

Should it be clearer you're not supposed to edit code too much?

While doing edit reviews, I have often noticed that invalid edits to code are approved. Point in case; this edit introduces two syntax errors, yet, it was approved. Only I rejected it based on being ...
15 votes
0 answers

Availability of diff in edit view

When I try to do an edit I really miss a possibility to see the difference between original and edited question/answer. Especially when I try to improve formatting of source code. The possibility to ...
2 votes
0 answers

Not submitting edit rather than "eating" it when it's too late for an edit

I recently experienced a situation in chat where I was typing out a long edit to a question. When I submitted the edit, rather than getting a message that says "it's too late to edit" and keeping the ...
6 votes
0 answers

Should someone "improve" an answer to include information given in other answers?

I gave an answer to this PERL question. My answer did not include every single method of solving the problem and is perhaps a traditional way of solving it instead of a more modern form. As you are no ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is it ok to post draft answers and make extensive edits?

I'm only referring to my own answer, here. My answer here looks like a lot more editing than I really did, and some of my changes aren't visible. I think part of the reason is I moved the paragraphs ...
8 votes
0 answers

Review edit warning lingers on

The warning about an edit being made to a post you are yourself currently editing hangs around long after it should have gone away. In this instance I had opened the edited link supplied by the ...

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