Questions about general bans on Stack Overflow. Please consider using a more specific tag, e.g. [post-ban], [edit-ban], [review-ban], or [account-suspension].
There are several more specific types of bans:
- An edit-ban prevents a user from making or suggesting edits
- A post-ban prevents a user from submitting questions and/or answers.
- A review-ban prevents a user from reviewing content, generally caused by the failing of too many review-audits.
- An account-suspension is a temporary, moderator-imposed ban that prevents any interaction with the site.
- There is no such thing as a hellban, but if it existed (and it doesn't), it would be a ban where the user is unable to see that they are banned: They submit content but that content is only visible to them. This is the same concept as a 'shadowban' on other sites.