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Top bar messed up on iPad running iOS 9.3.5

This is how the front page looks for me on the first iPad running iOS 9.3.5 (horizontal orientation): The problem is, it's impossible to see the rest of the top bar, so I can't get access to messages,...
ForceBru's user avatar
  • 44.8k
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Blurriness of logo and icons at different zoom levels

Starting today (11/27) I noticed the inbox, achievements, review, and site switcher icons are very blurry at 100% zoom in IE11. I cannot reproduce in Chrome 59+. I'm on Windows 7. Surely IE11 support ...
Cᴏʀʏ's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

How do you log out of Stack Overflow using the 2017 top bar? [duplicate]

Since the top bar navigation update, I have not been able to find a log out / log off button or link anywhere. I'm certain there used to be one that appeared when moving the mouse pointer over the ...
Tristan Bailey's user avatar
34 votes
1 answer

The new top bar covers the "JavaScript is needed" banner

When browsing Stack Overflow without JavaScript enabled, or when the JavaScript code failed to load for some reason (before the introduction of the new top bar), one would get a red banner at the ...
Jonas Czech's user avatar
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34 votes
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The "welcome back" message is covered by the new sticky nav bar

This alert: has a lower z-index than the top-bar: You can notice the small line under.
Aureliano Far Suau's user avatar
-6 votes
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Could we add a more substantial header back to the page?

This is how the main site looks for me right now: The problem is, I'm not sure what it's called, because the name of the site appears nowhere on the page! Actually, that's mostly joking, but I ...
Jason C's user avatar
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What happened to the top bar design on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I just wanted to say that I do not like the new style of Stack Overflow with the changed top bar. It is now fixed and uses up more space than it used to (and is necessary). Since in the west we read ...
Post Self's user avatar
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3 votes
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High-res or vector badge icons?

I recently got a new Apple laptop with my first retina display. Zounds! Things are fabulous. Stack Overflow looks great at this higher resolution, except for the badge icons: they look rather ...
phs's user avatar
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