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Questions tagged [image-upload]

Apply to questions concerning uploading images to Stack Overflow that are not specifically issues, for which there is the tag [].

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Staging Ground - Unable to paste images into editor

On Staging Ground, when editing/creating a question, using the editor, there seems to be a bug, with regard to pasting images. When clicking on the image button/icon in the toolbar, and the "...
Chris's user avatar
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10 votes
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Unspecific "An error occured, please try again" when uploading animated GIF (supposedly supported)

When I try to upload an animated GIF that is smaller than 2MB, the uploader UI gives me the unspecific error message "An error occured, please try again". I've tried multiple times, I always ...
Cornelius Roemer's user avatar
8 votes
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Not enough space or text is aligned incorrectly in image upload?

I have noticed that the text to upload your image (max 2 MiB) is not getting enough space to fit in the image upload box. In short, you can say, it is not aligned correctly. Here is an image: ...
Nouman's user avatar
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4 votes
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Drag and drop to upload image stopped working in SO

Can other people reproduce / confirm this? Try dragging the image in this question e.g., into an image upload to the answer box below. It used to respond with a box to accept the drag & drop ...
Tasos Papastylianou's user avatar
3 votes
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Image uploader overlay is broken on iPad

When trying to use my iPad/safari just now to upload an image to SO, it proved to be impossible. The code that calculates "where the centre of the screen is" seems broken; the upload light box appears,...
Caius Jard's user avatar
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Image upload does not render properly on Safari on Macbook Air built in display

The Macbook air builtin display has a resolution of 1366x768. The vertical resolution is too low to see the bottom of the image upload widget preventing me from clicking the upload picture button.
Michael Brown's user avatar
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Cannot update profile: Invalid image type

I see this used to be an issue, but every question I find indicates that it was fixed. I even found a thread indicating that it was once an issue which was fixed and which had been unfixed; but that ...
Antimoany's user avatar
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Ask Question - Add image window partially offscreen so add button almost gone

Adding an image like the one below in this editor (How's that for recursion?) has the drag-n-drop popup partially off-screen so that the Add button is inaccessible or almost inaccessible. Since the ...
DocSalvager's user avatar
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