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Unspecific "An error occured, please try again" when uploading animated GIF (supposedly supported)

When I try to upload an animated GIF that is smaller than 2MB, the uploader UI gives me the unspecific error message "An error occured, please try again". I've tried multiple times, I always ...
Cornelius Roemer's user avatar
5 votes
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I can't upload an image from the clipboard [duplicate]

Not sure whether this is the right place. If I try to upload an image (pasted from clipboard or from the file sys), an error is raised. {"Success":false,"Error":5,"...
DraganS's user avatar
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60 votes
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Server Error: Failed to upload image; an error occurred on the server

I can't upload images. I'm using Chrome in MacOS Monterey. The image is a snapshot. I tried to use paste, and to upload from the local storage. It's a less than 200KB jpg. The upload image dialog ...
Wicket's user avatar
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Cannot update profile: Invalid image type

I see this used to be an issue, but every question I find indicates that it was fixed. I even found a thread indicating that it was once an issue which was fixed and which had been unfixed; but that ...
Antimoany's user avatar