Linked Questions

78 votes
3 answers

The Stack Overflow 1 Million Points Club!

One million points is a LOT of points on Stack Overflow. It represents a small handful of people, and it's a testament to those who have dedicated themselves to helping others. We do want to celebrate ...
66 votes
55 answers

Introducing the Staging Ground, an attempt at improving the first-time asker experience - What was asking your first question like?

Stack Exchange sites are some of the best knowledge resources available. The Stack Exchange network is built on the premise that good questions (asked with a good process behind them) can get good ...
SpencerG's user avatar
  • 101
335 votes
9 answers

How to format reputation when Jon Skeet hits 1 million+ rep next year?

Based on Jon Skeet's past reputation gain, he will hit 1 million some time in July next year. We have until then to decide on how to format his colossal reputation. The choices for the short format ...
Bohemian's user avatar
  • 424k
821 votes
4 answers

Stack Overflow question checklist

My earlier blog post on how to write a good question is pretty long, and I suspect that even when I refer people to it, often they don't bother reading it. So here's a short list of questions to check ...
Jon Skeet's user avatar
  • 1.5m
132 votes
7 answers

Congrats on 1m [javascript] questions!

I thought it'd be nice to write up a celebratory post, in honor of javascript passing 1,000,000 questions! My thanks go out the the massive community active in the tag, asking, answering and ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.6k
30 votes
2 answers

Has Jon Skeet answered the questions asked in "Thanks a million, Jon Skeet"?

Update: Podcast #123 – Jon Skeet Wants You To Be a Feminist has been released. Note: although there are answers to a few questions on the podcast, it does not include the full Q&A session, which ...
I am the Most Stupid Person's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

We are no longer allowing congratulatory posts on Meta for users reaching 1 million rep or less [duplicate]

This is an announcement that we have made the decision to disallow congratulatory posts on Meta for users reaching a million rep. We understand that reaching a million reputation is an impressive ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
  • 78.9k
20 votes
2 answers

Do we allow religious invocations in questions/answers? [duplicate]

I'm referring to this question (now deleted, so visible to 10K users only). The question began thus: In The Name Of God. I want enable other Qlineedit in my program with write "abc" in another ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What happens when users reach 1m rep - does Stack Overflow do anything to reward them?

Some users are fast approaching a reputation score of 1 million. Does Stack Overflow do anything about this? Is there a hall of fame? I know some argue that the reputation score is relative to ...
Dave's user avatar
  • 8,421
25 votes
0 answers

Looking for transcript of Jon Skeet podcast

We can find answers for Thanks a million, Jon Skeet from Podcast #123 – Jon Skeet Wants You To Be a Feminist. It is a podcast. Where can I find a transcript of the podcast (the answers part would be ...
I am the Most Stupid Person's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Are there any questions posted from Antarctica for Jon Skeet to answer?

On January 14th, Jon Skeet's Stack Overflow reputation passed one million and on January 15th, the Stack Overflow blog posted this analysis of his answers. Included in this analysis is this heat map ...
Rob Rose's user avatar
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