Today I answered with both believing that I was being helpful to the person answering the question.
In the first question, there was an awful amount of code and the question was about flexbox. I found two articles and a tool. The code was too much to decode.
I was reprimanded and marked down as someone else felt I should have answered with a code example. Duly noted. I shan't try to answer that type of question again.
The second was a situation where I had a similar issue, already researched an answer and used it. I cut and pasted my code. There were other answers that pointed to other pages - and included links.
This time I was reprimanded because the user had not asked for code. Although the user was asking how do I do this on my site. It was a question that was tagged javascript.
Feels like there are inconsistencies here. Although I could have preceded it with extra text along the lines of 'although you did not ask for code, and on the basis you have tagged this as javascript, here is a javascript solution...
What is right here?