On September the 1st, 2015, I encountered the following question (google-maps):
At first, I thought it was a nice question to answer (although the amount of code given). I requested a demo of the code so that I can make an easier edit and give an appropriate solution. The OP provided a fiddle but the fiddle was poorly constructed and showed minimal effort from the OP.
Although I didn't really care about the poor offered fiddle, after few minutes I noticed that the question was actually a copy and paste solution taken from two URL's:
- https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/places-searchbox
- https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/place-details
To avoid expanding this question further, I wrote a comment on the question (google-maps), explaining which steps should be taken by the OP in order to make it better (although many more would be required for a better question).
This is not the first time I came to such "copy-paste" problem which demands rearranging the code from SO solvers in order to make it work.
Should such question's be treated like more sophisticated types of homework which have the code copy and pasted from a source and the other code (copy-pasted as well) inserted into it just to show that they "did something more" or are they treated as legitimate questions which can be answered?