Would it be worth using an historical lock for: Why hasn't functional programming taken over yet?
The question was asked in May 14, '10 and deleted on Feb 10 this year after up to 6 years.
Lots of views (over 100K; but generally 350K+) => 34,743 times (only)
Lots of votes (multiple hundreds) => 186 votes, 143 favorites
- => first answer by Eric Lippert has 515 votes
Lots of people linking to it => just made the front page of r/programming (well, its webarchive alter ego)
The fact that the information inside of it won't be obsolete -- it'll still be useful in a few years. => while functional programming may take over, the arguments and counter-arguments around it are likely to still apply
The question is a bad fit because the topic is very broad... but would it be worth keeping around?
Note: as a precautionary step I have pro-actively protected the question.